Future events
Past Conferences
International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH 2024) was held from 9-13 September 2024 in Zaragoza, Spain at the Residencia de Estudiantes Ramón Pignatelli Zaragoza.
International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH 2022) took place at Glasgow Caledonian University in Glasgow, Scotland from 5-9 September 2022.
The conference brought together the community of healthcare researchers, teachers, practitioners and policy makers from around the globe. It provided a unique opportunity for the international and interactive exchange of ideas and outcomes of education, research and policy activities across individuals and institutions. Participants had the opportunity to network and share their work through a variety of diverse and exciting sessions.
ICCH 2022 is organised by EACH, in partnership with our sister organisation ACH (Academy of Communication in Healthcare).
Back to in-person, and including online options, ICCH 2022 offered:
- High quality, diverse programme
- Renowned keynote speakers
- Highly interactive sessions
- Dedicated time for discussion and debate
- Abundant networking opportunities
- An extremely warm welcome to all!
To download the ICCH Programme booklet, please click here.
GMT+1 | Parallel Session 1 | Parallel Session 2 | Parallel Session 3 | Parallel Session 4 |
0700-0745 | Conference Welcome followed by Q&A with Professor Dame Lesley Fallowfield, Professor of Psycho Oncology, University of Sussex UK Developing successful educational programmes: ensuring communication topics resonate with healthcare professionals’ perceived needs, not just what educators believe important |
0800-0900 | ORAL SESSION O1 Adapting health communication due to the COVID-19 pandemic |
ORAL SESSION O2 Research on communication about difficult issues |
ROUNDTABLE R1 Two for one! Professional qualities development as a bonus in a communication skills training |
0915-1015 | NETWORKING N1A tEACH networking session – connect with the EACH Teaching committee |
NETWORKING N2A VR-CoDES in online communication skills teaching (and training) – a tool for practicing emotional communication skills |
NETWORKING N3A Better Care through Better Policies: pEACH Networking session |
NETWORKING N4 Bridging the gap between healthcare communication teaching and research |
1030 – 1200 | WORKSHOP W1 Training raters for Communication Assessment: Who, What, How and How much is needed? |
SYMPOSIA S1 Conversation Analysis to analyse healthcare communication – from primary care to the operating table |
SYMPOSIA S5 Research evidence of telehealth and remote consultation: Lessons from COVID-19 |
WORKSHOP W2 Writing tEACHing tip sheets on the spot: Creating and sharing workplace based expertise |
1200-1230 | ePoster Exhibition | |||
1230-1400 | Break (Pairing Programme opportunity to meet) |
1400-1445 | Afternoon conference welcome followed by Q&A with Professor Dame Lesley Fallowfield, Professor of Psycho Oncology, University of Sussex, UK Developing successful educational programmes: ensuring communication topics resonate with healthcare professionals’ perceived needs, not just what educators believe important |
1500-1630 | WORKSHOP W4 Playing with Interprofessional Communication: Using a Fictional Scenario Game to Practice Communication Skills |
WORKSHOP W5 What to Say: Tools for Responding to Patient-Initiated Identity-Based Harrassment |
SYMPOSIA S2 Emotion & the training of physicians: innovations to meet the needs of Today’s Clinicians |
WORKSHOP W6 Communication challenges during Covid19: Core communication skills for Telehealth and Masked encounters |
1630-1700 | ePoster Exhibition | |||
1715-1815 | ORAL SESSION O3 Teaching and training |
ORAL SESSION O4 Shared Decision Making |
ROUNDTABLE R2 Publishing in communication: meet the editors |
ROUNDTABLE R3 Early career information exchange |
1830-1930 | NETWORKING N1B tEACH networking session – connect with the EACH Teaching committee |
NETWORKING N2B VR-CoDES in online communication skills teaching (and training) – a tool for practicing emotional communication skills |
NETWORKING N5A Toward linguistic and culturally competent healthcare communication: barriers and solutions |
NETWORKING N6 Opportunity for conference attendees to network on their own topic of choice |
GMT+1 | Parallel Session 1 | Parallel Session 2 | Parallel Session 3 | Parallel Session 4 |
0700-0730 | Q&A with Professor Lidia Del Piccolo, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Medical University of Verona, Italy Emotions as a clinical tool |
0745-0915 | WORKSHOP W7 Various working formats in medical education with simulated patients |
WORKSHOP W8 Teaching conflict resolution skills to inter-professional teams |
SYMPOSIA S3: Making it happen: implementation frameworks and intervention guidelines for healthcare communication |
WORKSHOP W9 Overcoming resistance in communication skills learners |
0930-1030 | NETWORKING N5B Toward linguistic and culturally competent healthcare communication: barriers and solutions |
NETWORKING N7 rEACH networking session: A peer-review platform to support research within EACH |
NETWORKING N8A Launching the Special Interest Group on Nurses’ Communication: Come be involved! |
NETWORKING N9 Opportunity for conference attendees to network on their own topic of choice |
1045-1145 | ORAL SESSION O5 Research on assessing communication |
ORAL SESSION O6 COVID-19 knowledge translation and mass media |
ROUNDTABLE R4 Sharing experiences of digital & phone consultations & working with Personal Protective Equipment |
1200-1230 | Morning conference close | |||
1230 – 1400 | Break (Pairing Programme opportunity to meet) |
1400-1430 | Q&A with Professor Lidia Del Piccolo, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Medical University of Verona, Italy Emotions as a clinical tool |
1445-1615 | SYMPOSIA S4 How past work can guide current and future research on physician-patient communication: a tribute to Hanneke de Haes |
WORKSHOP W10 How to effectively negotiate the outcomes you really desire? |
SYMPOSIUM S6 How to communicate with the public during a pandemic? |
WORKSHOP W11 Strategies for online communication skills teaching |
1630-1730 | NETWORKING N3B Better Care through Better Policies: pEACH Networking session |
NETWORKING N8B Launching the Special Interest Group on Nurses’ Communication: Come be involved! |
NETWORKING N10 Surgical special interest group |
WORKSHOP W12 ASPE Presents: Training Simulated/Standardized Patients to Deliver Feedback |
1745-1845 | SYMPOSIUM S7 Highlighting Communication Theory and Methods: Partnering opportunities and perspectives between the International Communication Association (ICA) and EACH |
ORAL SESSION O7 Research on patient participation |
ORAL SESSION O8 Implementing communication skills training into clinical practice |
ROUNDTABLE R5 Exploring implicit bias and cross-cultural communication skills teaching in Health Professions Education |
1900-1930 | Conference close with awards |
The Abstracts Book can be viewed here.
Plenary Speakers
Winning Poster: Julia Menichetti
Hanneke De Haes Memorial Symposium
Hosted by ACH, in partnership with EACH
The ICCH conference in 2020 was originally planned to take place in Vienna, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was the first to take place online from 9-11 September.
Click here to view the programme.
Click here to view the abstracts.
Click here to view the photos.

Plenary Sessions
Hosted by ACH, in partnership with EACH
The ICCH conference in 2019 took place in Porto from 27-30 October.
Click here to review the programme.
Click here for the programme.
Click here to read the report on the Forum, as published by Elsevier.
The ICCH conference in 2018 took place in Porto from 1 – 4 September.
Click here to review the programme.
Click here to review the abstracts.
Click here to see the photographs.
The second EACH Summer Event took place at Regent’s University London from 4 – 6 September 2017. Here you can download the programme.
The ICCH conference, hosted by EACH, in 2016 took place in Heidelberg from 7 – 10 September.
Click here to view the photos.
The inaugural EACH Summer Event took place at Regent’s University London from 24 – 26 August 2015. Here you can download the programme.
The ICCH conference in 2014 took place in Amsterdam from 28 September – 1 October. Here you can view the following:
Presentations are available to members in the members’ area here.
History of ICCH Conferences
The conference series was started by Gregory Makoul and Theo Schofield with hopes that it would take off as an academic ‘international home for educators and researchers’ – to foster exchange of ideas at the intersection of teaching and research as well as about work in different countries. The series was designed to bring together educators and researchers for an exploration of ideas, innovations, and current practice in communication and medical education. Many productive collaborative relationships were generated at the earliest International Conference on Teaching Communication in Medicine, which was held in Oxford in 1996. That conference was attended by more than 200 people from 20 different countries.
The early conferences had different names and the first ICCH conference organised by EACH was held in 2002 in Warwick. The first ICCH conference organised by AACH was held in 2005 in Chicago. Since then the ICCH is organised alternately on the European and American continent and welcomes every year more delegates, in 2018 and 2019 more than 600.