Interprofessional Education (IPE)
Interprofessional Education (IPE) occurs “when two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes.” Current literature involves discussion on the need for IPE, but there is less focus on the actual communication skills needed within interprofessional teams and how these will improve collaboration and health outcomes. Many studies describe interventions that occur during clinical placements where students work in already formed teams, potentially perpetuating poor communication and team interactions. Discussions commonly evolve around when IPE should be introduced to healthcare students, and how interprofessional collaboration is best facilitated.
Communication is central to interprofessional learning. The purpose of this Special Interest Group is to encourage global exchange and collaboration among participants concerning current models and ways to approach potential challenges in IPE, specifically focusing on communication. Potential for ongoing and/or collaborative and future educational scholarly activity is desired.
- Identify what educational models or skills contribute to successful interprofessional communication.
- Identify ways to incorporate interprofessional communication in the healthcare curriculum.
- Identify and develop best practices for teaching interprofessional communication skills to learners and furthering scholarship in this area.
Our proposed activity would first be to develop a strong cohort of individuals interested and invested in moving IPE and IP Communication forward. As this group is being developed, we hope to begin work on the three Aims above and begin to foster scholarly activity. This would have the potential of increasing interest in the SIG and add to the membership and activities of the SIG.
Another Activity is to begin to catalog existing work/resources, to formulate and suggest research, as well as scholarly activities to move interprofessional communication forward. The potential of pairing with our research colleagues in surveying the membership surrounding IP Communication would also be of interest.
Anthony Brenneman
Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa
Cadja Bachmann, MME
OÄ für Medizindidaktik, FÄ für Allgemeinmedizin
Studiendekanat, Universitätsmedizin Rostock
TJ Jirasevijinda, MD
Director, Pediatric Undergraduate Medical Education
Associate Professor Pediatrics, Weill Corness Medicine
Susanne Lindqvist PhD, SFHEA, MSc, QTS, BSc
Professor of Interprofessional Practice and Director of the Centre for Interprofessional Practice, University of East Anglia,