Welcome to tEACH, the teaching subcommittee of EACH. We aim to connect and support teachers involved in the development and delivery of healthcare communication training.
tEACH consists of over 35 experienced communication skills teachers from 21 different countries representing a variety of health care disciplines. Since 2008, tEACH members have worked on specific projects to address the broad range of needs of communication teachers.
We have been there for those teachers initiating new teaching ventures and those wishing to extend existing programmes.
What tEACH offers
tEACH organizes courses for communication teachers focusing on ‘What’ and ‘How’ to teach communication skills, and courses on topics such as ‘Curriculum Development’, ‘Workplace learning and teaching’ and ‘Assessment’. Courses can be delivered locally on request (within countries or institutions). Our train the trainer’s group are developing new courses all the time so visit our site regularly to see what’s new.”
Klik hier for more information on forthcoming courses.
Through the EACH website, communication teachers can get access to various teaching tools, including facilitator guides, simulated patient cases and a comprehensive curriculum designed by tEACH.
Klik hier to access over 100 teaching tools including facilitator guides, simulated patient scenarios, a published curriculum and videos or upload new ones.
tEACH has been involved in several national projects to improve healthcare communication teaching, a.o. in Poland, Austria and Ireland. Based on these experiences tEACH can offer a comprehensive package of training and consultancy, that can be adapted to specific needs.
Klik hier for more information on how we can support you.
tEACH creates various opportunities for communication teachers to exchange expertise, e.g. in conferences and meetings, and by initiating and publishing on teaching topics.
tEACH Group
Welcome to tEACH, the subcommittee of EACH that focuses on providing support, resources and sharing of expertise for communication teachers, whether about teaching, curriculum development or assessment. The aim of tEACH is to be a primary source of help for communication teachers everywhere.
tEACH Core Planning Group
tEACH is overseen by the tEACH Core Planning Committee, which currently consists of two tEACH co-chairs and deputy-chair (who share all duties and responsibilities), and the heads of each working subgroup, as chosen by subgroup members, and other key tEACH members.
tEACH assessment Group
The aim of the group is to collect and share assessment tools and related resources to support teachers to organise their assessments of communication skills.
tEACH Courses for Clinicians Group
The aim of the group is to arrange teaching courses specifically for clinicians.
tEACH Resources Group
The aim of the group is to collect, describe and share teaching tools for addressing specific communication skills. The subgroup has been in the process of collecting, reviewing and summarising examples of teaching tools used by communication teachers
tEACH Workplace Teaching Group
This project group develops brief resources to help guide clinical teachers in effective communication teaching in the clinical setting. These ongoing “Workplace based Teaching Tips” address a variety of contexts and strategies for teaching communication such as observation and feedback.
tEACH Training & Courses for Teachers
This group offers support and training for trainers and teachers of communication skills in health care across all professional groups. This support uses a skills-based and evidence-based approach to teaching communication skills. The aim is to help as wide a range of teachers (beginners or more experienced teachers) of all the different types of healthcare teaching.
How to get involved with tEACH
The tEACH committee has several projects and activities it works on (for more information, see activities and projects). If you feel you may have something to contribute to one of these activities, please contact us through teach@each.international.
Are you an experienced communication teacher who has an interest in collaborating with and contributing to tEACH on a more regular basis. Currently, we are looking for people with expertise and interest in e-learning, teaching tools and videos, and/or in making tEACH projects and products more visible. We specifically would welcome communication teachers from dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and/or paramedical professions.
Because the tEACH committee is an active group working on longer term projects, we prefer to limit the number of members and also limit membership turnover.
To join the tEACH committee: please complete the tEACH Application Form and return to teach@each.international.
tEACH is in the process of establishing national and discipline-based networks of communication teachers and can offer help to interested individuals in establishing and expanding these networks and planning events (meetings, symposia, workshops) in which network members can exchange ideas, solve problems and learn from experts.
If you are interested in participating in establishing/expanding networks or have questions about this, please contact networking@each.international.
The EACH Teaching Award is an innovative prize which aims to recognise teachers who have made a significant and outstanding contribution to healthcare communication education. Klik hier voor meer informatie.
tEACH welcomes feedback and ideas for how we can best support communication teachers.
Feel free to submit any questions or comments to teach@each.international.