Challenging consultations: Facilitator guide

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Type værktøj: Communication model, Comprehensive curriculum, Facilitator guide, Simulated clinical encounter

Sprog: engelsk

Formål med værktøj:
Demonstrate core communication skills in preparation for exploring specific communication issues and challenges. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills when dealing with difficult circumstances such as breaking bad news, dealing with sensitive issues, dealing with difficult or violent patients and patients from vlunerable groups. Demonstrate an understanding of a patient centered approach to consultations.Demonstrate a reflective approach to appraising their own consultations and those observed by others.

Kort beskrivelse:
Comprehensive facilitator guide for 2 two hour workshops on challenging consultations. Includes learning objectives, description of comprehensive curriculum, instructions for tutors and simulated patients and patient scenarios.


A. Kommunikation med patienter:
Empathy/relationship building, Patient perspective, Structure

B. Intra- og interpersonel kommunikation (professionalitet & refleksion):
Professionalisme, selvbevidsthed

C. Kommunikation i sundhedsteams (professionel kommunikation):

Adgang: Offentlig

Dit navn og arbejdsadresse samt medforfattere og adresser:Paul Kinnersley, Elizabeth Metcalf, Jane Fryer