International networking opportunities
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Privileged access to the members area of the EACH website
FREE access to the VR-CoDES manuals.
FREE access to a library of teaching and research resources.
FREE access to search and connect with people working in teaching, research and/or policy in healthcare communication.

Opportunity to join one of our committees:
rEACH, tEACH or pEACH, which are then eligible to apply for annual funding for project work.

Reduced registration fees for all EACH events

Opportunity to join or create a Special Interest Group

Reduced membership fees for (PhD) student members
Membership Fee
Following feedback from our members the EACH membership now offers:
- Value for money – A rolling membership, ensuring you benefit from a full year regardless of when you join
- Longevity of membership – 10% discount to members who wish to sign up for 2 years
- Lower membership fee options – Lower fees for undergraduate** students and members over 65 years of age
- Affiliate membership*** – 20% discount for members of International Communication Association (ICA) or WONCA
- Institutional membership – 20% discount for institutions registering 5 or more members
- Membership grants – A limited number of grants (up to 50% discount on fees) are available
- 20% discount on Elsevier webshop products using code EACH2022
- Substantial discount for online subscription to PEC (Patient Education and Counseling)
*** Affiliate membership is open to anyone that is a member of the International
Communication Association (ICA) or WONCA. Proof of membership will be required at the point of registering.
All new members of EACH can take advantage of this discount; existing members of EACH can take advantage of this at the point of renewing membership.
Institutional membership is a group membership option for employees or students from the same institution or organisation.
All members in the group still receive the same benefits as an individual member, including event discounts.
One lead person should create the membership and will be able to add a minimum of 5 additional colleagues to the group.
N.B. Institutional membership must be selected at the point of becoming a member or renewing membership.
We regret it is not possible to change your membership category to join an institutional group part way through your annual membership.

Full membership
discount access to the Journal Patient Education & Counseling
one year
two year*
PhD Student membership**
discount access to the Journal Patient Education & Counseling
one year
two year*
Undergraduate membership**
discount access to the Journal Patient Education & Counseling
one year
two year*
Over 65 membership
discount access to the Journal Patient Education & Counseling
one year
two year*
Affiliate membership ***
discount access to the Journal Patient Education & Counseling
one year
Institutional membership
discount access to the Journal Patient Education & Counseling for 5 or more members
for 5 members for one year
+£88 per additional full member
+£75 per additional PhD Student member
+£70 per additional undergraduate or over 65 member thereafter
Please consider donating to EACH
Your donation will go to the EACH Scholarship Fund, to which members in financial hardship can apply to for:
- Discounted membership fees
- Discounted registration fee for EACH-hosted events, such as the International Conference for Communication in Healthcare (ICCH).
Thank you for supporting your colleagues in the healthcare communication community.
Maternity/Parental Leave Discount
From 1 January 2025, EACH has introduced a 50% discounted membership for members on maternity/parental leave (including adoption) for one year. We understand that this is a time to focus on family and self-care and we want to ensure you can continue enjoying the benefits of membership without added financial stress. Whether it’s staying connected, accessing resources, or attending courses, this reduced membership is EACH’s way of saying thank you for your membership and we look forward to welcoming you back.
Please let us know as soon as you go on leave and we check your membership and apply the discount to your renewal. Please contact membership@each.international
Restricted Membership Grants
Need a little help?
There are a limited number of grants available to apply for a discount on membership fees. Please see below for further details about eligibility and how to apply.
The maximum grant awarded per person will be 50% of standard membership fees. Membership grants will only be awarded to the following membership category:
- Full membership, one year only
Before applying for a grant, please do ensure you have tried all other sources of funding available to you, including your local institution/organisation/company. Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The discount must be applied for annually.
The limited number of grants available each year will be allocated throughout the year on a ‘first come, first served basis’ (assuming that the eligibility criteria have been met). It will not be possible to issue any grants once the annual allocation has run out. These grants are awarded from the EACH Scholarship Fund.
Eligibility for membership grant applications:
Reduced income
If you are unable to afford EACH membership due to low income.
Unemployment assistance
If you are not in active employment due to your personal circumstances, e.g. for one of the following reasons:
- You are raising a family full-time or are a full-time carer.
- You are experiencing long-term unemployment.
- You are suffering a prolonged illness that prevents you from seeking employment.
How to apply
Please fill out the application form and return it to treasurer@each.international and info@each.international, together with:
- a covering letter explaining your motivation for joining EACH and
- a reference letter from your institution/organisation/company or a colleague who is aware of your work in healthcare communication.
Applications will be considered throughout the year at monthly Executive meetings. On receipt of your application you will be notified of when you will receive a decision.
Terms & Conditions
* Two year membership must be selected at the point of becoming a member or renewing membership in order to receive the discount. Two year membership is not available for the affiliate membership categories.
** To qualify for the reduced fee associated with being a student, you will be asked to email a scanned certification of your student status signed by your academic affiliation within 4 weeks from the payment date. If this is not received, you will have to pay the normal membership fee or your membership will be rescinded. The certification will have to be provided with each successive annual subscription.
*** To qualify for the reduced fee associated with the Affiliate membership categories you will be asked to upload proof of membership to ICA or WONCA at the point of registering to become a member of EACH.
A membership invoice or confirmation email will be accepted as proof.
Please note that membership fees are non-refundable.
If you have any concerns or queries about becoming a member, please email us before registering.