Pairing Programme – Seniors List

Below is the list of available seniors in alphabetical order. You may use the search form to filter by primary interest (teaching, research or policy) or by keyword. Click “View” to the left of a person’s name to view more information about them. You have the option to choose this senior on their View page. Please select only one senior. Once a senior has been selected by the number of times they have chosen to be matched, their name is automatically removed from the list.

Please note: If you are attending ICCH 2023 in person, you can only be paired with someone who is attending in person. If you are attending online, then you can only be paired with someone who is attending online.

If you have difficulty finding a match for your interests, please email


Pairing - Search
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Name Institution Primary Area Keywords Availability
View Amy Zelenski University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Teacher/Training, Research empathy, medical improv 3

Total number of Seniors registered: 61