Pairing Programme – Seniors List

Below is the list of available seniors in alphabetical order. You may use the search form to filter by primary interest (teaching, research or policy) or by keyword. Click “View” to the left of a person’s name to view more information about them. You have the option to choose this senior on their View page. Please select only one senior. Once a senior has been selected by the number of times they have chosen to be matched, their name is automatically removed from the list.

Please note: If you are attending ICCH 2023 in person, you can only be paired with someone who is attending in person. If you are attending online, then you can only be paired with someone who is attending online.

If you have difficulty finding a match for your interests, please email


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Name Institution Primary Area Keywords Availability
View Charlotte Albury University of Oxford Research Communication about health behaviours, primary care/general practice 1
View Jennifer Anderson South Dakota State University Research stigma, advocacy 1
View Julie Ayre University of Sydney Research health literacy 2
View Christoph Becker University Hospital Basel Research EOL Medicine, Quantitative Research 2
View Carlos Campos University of Auckland Teacher/Training, Research patient-provider communication, medical education 2
View Betül Cokluk Oslo Metropolitan University Research Health literacy, health communication 2
View Deborah Critoph University of Cambridge Teacher/Training, Research Other, co-design, continuous professional development 2
View Marleah Dean University of South Florida Research health decision making, genetic risk 1
View Lidia Del Piccolo University of Verona Research helth provider-patient communication, VR-CoDES 2
View Eman Elbanna Alexandria University Teacher/Training, Research Patient-centered care, Patient-centered communication 1
View Ronald Epstein University of Rochester Teacher/Training, Research communication, serious illness 1
View Arnstein Finset University of Oslo Teacher/Training, Research emotional communication 1
View Auguste Fortin Yale School of Medicine Teacher/Training Relationship-centered, Empathy 2
View Conor Gilligan Bond University Teacher/Training, Research, Policy/practice Teaching medical students and clinical supervisors 2
View Emily Glanton University of Minnesota Research genetics, genetic counseling 2
View Inge Henselmans Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam Teacher/Training, Research Advanced Cancer, Shared Decision Making 2
View Marij Hillen Amsterdam University Medical Centers, The Netherlands Research Uncertainty, Trust 2
View Leah Karliner University of California San Francisco Research language access, applied research, primary care, health equity, older adults, clinical communication 2
View Orit Karnieli-Miller Tel Aviv University Teacher/Training, Research Breaking bad news, Moral Courage 1
View Debra Kerr Deakin University Research Nursing 2
View Claudia Kiessling Witten/Herdecke University Teacher/Training, Research medical education 1
View ann king national board of medical examiners Research communication medical education 2
View jeanette lacey John Hunter Hospital Teacher/Training End-of-life 2
View Shuangyu Li King’s College London Teacher/Training, Research Clinical communication, medical education, conversation analysis, language and cultural discordances 2
View Abdulkareem Abdullah Mahmood College of Medicine,University of Alkafeel Teacher/Training, Research health care ,education 2
View Julia Menichetti Akershus University Hospital Research inductive methods, medical information sharing 2
View Janneke Noordman NIvel Research observational research, health literacy 2
View Eirik Ofstad Uit The Arctic University Teacher/Training, Research Decision-making, Medical uncertainty 1
View Sarah Peters University of Manchester Research behavior change 2
View Arwen Pieterse Leiden University Medical Center Research shared decision making 1
View Ietske Siemann radboudumc Teacher/Training difficult conversations… 1
View Ellen Smets Amsterdam University Medical Centers, dept. Medical Psychology Research Information provision, shared decion making, uncertainty 1
View Kathleen Thomas University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Eshelman School of Pharmacy Research mental health, disability 2
View Andy Ward Stoneygate Centre for Empathic Healthcare, Leicester Medical School, UK. Teacher/Training empathy, inclusion 2
View Sarah White University of New South Wales Teacher/Training, Research, Policy/practice conversation analysis 2
View Mandy Williams 2A Coaching/Training Teacher/Training Experiential, Remediation 3
View Sandra Winterburn Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia Teacher/Training End of life converations, Experiential Learning 1
View Siyang Yuan University of Dundee Teacher/Training, Research, Policy/practice systematic observation, patient-clinician interaction 2

Total number of Seniors registered: 38