Presenter Information

Presenter Information

Attendees whose abstracts have been accepted for oral presentations, posters, workshops, symposia, work in progress, creative healthcare communication, innovative & emerging technology and roundtable discussions, are expected to pay to attend.

IN PERSON Presenter Guidance

Scroll further down the page for ONLINE presenter guidance.

Oral presentations will be for 9 minutes, plus 4 minutes discussion (13 minutes in total). Here is some advice on how to prepare a clear oral presentation:

  • Start by determining for yourself what message(s) you want to deliver
  • Outline your presentation, limiting yourself to the information essential to deliver your take home message(s) and leave out unnecessary details
  • Use approximately 1 slide per minute, so preferably no more than 9 slides in total
  • Keep the amount of written text on your slides to a minimum, and make sure the text size is at least 20pt
  • Practice your timing to stay within 9 minutes – the moderator will cut you short if you are not finished in this time
  • Encourage interactivity with the audience in the 4 minutes discussion part, for example by preparing questions for input or issues you would like to discuss

There will be 5 to 6 oral presentations in each session that have been grouped together based on a common theme. The total session will last 90 minutes, with some time for group discussion at the end.

There will be two moderators in the room to introduce each presenter and ensure you keep to time, with signs to hold up showing 2 minutes remaining, 1 minute remaining and STOP. The moderator will be strict on time keeping.

You can view your current position and time slot on the programme, please note this is a live programme so it is likely to change.

Please click here to be reminded of the submission criteria.

Practical information

  • Each oral room will have a projector, screen, laptop & speakers
  • Screen size is 16:9 (widescreen)
  • Please ensure you bring your presentation on a USB stick that is compatible for use on a Windows operated laptop.
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop but it is important to check your laptop is compatible. The rooms have HDMI Cables. If you wish to use a MAC, you will need to bring an appropriate adapter.
  • All presenters are required to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to upload presentations.

Oral presentations of Work in Progress are designed to enable those presenting their work to obtain feedback from the audience on their work so far. Participants are allowed to present preliminary results on ongoing research projects, i.e., projects which may not (yet) have completed results, analyses, or final conclusions. Oral presentations of the Work in Progress type allow more time for discussion with the audience, e.g., about interpretation of preliminary results or data analysis.

The format will be a 7-minute presentation followed by 8 minutes discussion (15 minutes in total).  Presenters will be limited to 7 PowerPoint slides.

Since your presentation time is limited, here is some advice on how to prepare a clear and effective presentation:

  • Make clear what feedback you would like from the audience at the start of the presentation. This will guide the discussion at the end of the presentation
  • Limit yourself to the information that is essential to allow the audience to think along and provide you with the feedback you are seeking, and leave out unnecessary details
  • Prepare no more than 7 minutes of material and practice your timing – the moderator will cut you short if you are not finished in this time
  • Use approximately 1 slide per minute, and no more than 7 slides in total
  • Keep the amount of written text on your slides to a minimum, and make the text size is at least 20pt
  • Encourage interactivity during the discussion, by presenting clear questions or issues you would like feedback or input on

This year there will be WIP only sessions, rather than mixed with standard orals. Two moderators are present in the room to introduce each presenter and ensure you keep to time, with signs to hold up showing 2 minutes remaining, 1 minute remaining and STOP.  The moderator will be strict on time keeping. You will obtain confidential feedback from the session chair at the end of the session on your presentation skills.

You can view your current position and time slot on the programme, please note this is a live programme so it is likely to change.

Please click here to be reminded of the submission criteria.

Practical information

  • Each Work in Progress oral room will have a projector, screen, laptop & speakers.
  • Screen size is 16:9.
  • Please ensure you bring your presentation on a USB stick that is compatible for use on a PC laptop.
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop but it is important to check your laptop is compatible. The rooms have HDMI Cables. If you wish to use a MAC, you will need to bring an appropriate adapter.
  • All presenters are required to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to upload presentations.

Size: A0 (841mm wide x 1189 mm high)
Orientation: Portrait
Suggested font sizes: Headers – 44pt | Body Text – 38 – 40 pt  |   Captions beneath figures – 18 – 24 pt |   References – 18 pt

Work in Progress posters should also include the following:

  • Include a heading above the title that says “WORKS IN PROGRESS”
  • The questions/issues you want feedback on from the audience

ePoster: As an in-person poster presenter, you also have the option of uploading your poster to the online platform and doing a poster pitch for the online session. You will need to upload this by Thursday 15 August. Please see the ePoster section for more information.

Please click here to be reminded of the poster and work in progress submission criteria.

Please follow this link for some practical tips when designing your poster:

Practical information:

  • Posters will be located in the Comedor on the Ground Floor.
  • You can display your poster from 13:00 on Tuesday 10 September.
  • Attachments for the posterboards will be provided; please ask at the registration desk.
  • Posterboards will be numbered; please make sure you attach your poster to the correct board.
  • If you have a poster tube, you can store this in the luggage room on the first floor for the duration of the conference.
  • Please collect your poster before you leave on Friday 13 September or it will be disposed of.

Workshops must be interactive, experiential, educational sessions that actively engage participants in a topic related to communication in healthcare. Presenters should arrive with enough time in advance to rearrange room set-up if desired. A workshop should involve the audience in active participation. The total session time is 90 minutes.

The amount of didactic presentation should be considerably limited. Workshop participants should be expected to actively contribute and have the opportunity to practice ideas and skills. Through conference workshops we are keen to promote experiential learning through application, practice, feedback and peer interaction.

Workshops may focus on research methods, teaching strategies, or other skill building. Workshops should enable participants to apply the skills acquired in the workshop in their own institutional contexts.

Please click here to be reminded of the submission criteria.

Practical information

  • Each workshop room will have a projector, screen, laptop, speakers and 1 flipchart available for your use.
  • Screen size is 16:9 (widescreen)
  • Please ensure you bring your presentation on a USB stick that is compatible for use on a Windows operated laptop.
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop but it is important to check your laptop is compatible. The rooms have HDMI Cables. If you wish to use a MAC, you will need to bring an appropriate adapter.
  • We recommend arriving at least 15 minutes before the start of your session to ensure the room layout is as you require and to upload any presentations. Sessions must stick to time.

Symposia are designed to capture a coherent set of 3-5 individual presentations that centre on one theme. An important feature of a symposium is that it places individual experiences or research results in a broader context and allows time for interaction between the presenters and discussion amongst the group. The total session time is 90 minutes.

Please click here to be reminded of the submission criteria.

Practical information

  • Each symposium will have a projector, screen, laptop and speakers
  • Screen size for slides is 16:9
  • Please ensure you bring your presentation on a USB stick that is compatible for use on a PC laptop
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop but it is important to check your laptop is compatible. The rooms have HDMI. If you wish to use a MAC, you will need to bring an appropriate adapter.
  • All presenters are required to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to upload presentations.

General advice

For Symposia Chairs:

Please liaise with your speakers in advance of the conference to confirm the timetable for allocating the 90 minutes (e.g. introduction, presentations, discussion among speakers, audience questions, summing up). It can be helpful to run through the slides of all speakers in order, so that all participants can see how the presentations work together as a whole. This can also enable you and the speakers to collate discussion points or consider what questions the audience may raise.

After this discussion, please provide the speakers with an agreed summary plan for the symposium, showing the order and duration of each activity, signalling who is involved at each point.

On the day of the symposium, please support the speakers in uploading their presentations prior to the start time and agree a time signal (e.g. 2 minutes remaining, stop).

Please check how each speaker would like to be introduced and confirm the agreed plan (e.g. length of each speaker’s presentation, participation in panel discussions/question and answer sessions).

It may sound obvious, but it’s important to finish promptly at the time stated on the conference schedule.

This website gives some helpful tips on preparing a successful symposium: see the section on Prepare for the symposium – together.

For Symposia Speakers:

Please liaise with the Symposium Chair in advance of the conference as described above, and on the day ensure that you are familiar with the symposium timetable and how to operate the slides for your presentation.

Thank you all for participating in this conference and we welcome any feedback after the event.

This session is designed to capture a variety of presentation formats using innovative technology to highlight some aspects of your work in communication in healthcare, be it in teaching, research, practice or policy.

Each presenter will be given 15 minutes to present their content using either technology to present a communication topic or highlighting a technology-based intervention, app or website as a means for communication in healthcare.  Each 15-minute presentation will be followed by a 8-minute discussion.

Please focus on the aspects of your work that motivated you to choose this particular category. There will be multiple presentations within the session to make up the 90 minutes. There will be a moderator in the room to introduce each presenter and ensure you keep to time, with signs to hold up showing 2 minutes remaining, 1 minute remaining and STOP.  The moderator will be strict on time-keeping.

You can view your current position and time slot on the programme, please note this is a live programme so it is likely to change.

Please click here to be reminded of the submission criteria.

Practical information

  • The Innovative Technology room will have a projector, screen, laptop & speakers.
  • Screen size is 16:9
  • Please ensure you bring your presentation on a USB stick that is compatible for use on a PC laptop.
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop but it is important to check your laptop is compatible. The rooms have HDMI. If you wish to use a MAC, you will need to bring an appropriate adapter.
  • All presenters are required to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to upload presentations.

Creative Healthcare Communication events are playful and artistic methods of exploring conference topics in a more inventive way.  Communication is a subject that is particularly suitable for creative expression and exploration because it provides the opportunity to see something a little differently – a new and perhaps provocative or idiosyncratic approach to healthcare communication. For example, brief theatre pieces, innovative exercises, poetry and/or narrative.

The length of each Creative Healthcare Communication presentation will be 30 minutes. There will be two moderators in the room to introduce each presenter and ensure you keep to time, with signs to hold up showing 2 minutes remaining, 1 minute remaining and STOP. The moderator will be strict on time keeping.

You can view your current position and time slot on the programme, please note this is a live programme so it is likely to change.

Please click here to be reminded of the submission criteria.

Practical information

  • If needed, the room will have a projector, screen, laptop & speakers. The screen size is 16:9 (widescreen).
  • If you have a presentation, please ensure you bring your presentation on a USB stick that is compatible for use on a Windows operated laptop.
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop but it is important to check your laptop is compatible. The rooms have HDMI Cables. If you wish to use a MAC, you will need to bring an appropriate adapter.
  • All presenters are required to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to set up.

Roundtable Discussions are gatherings of individuals with similar interests and needs for sharing ideas and/or resources or to initiate or continue collaborative work.  Roundtable Discussions provide opportunities for open discussion and creativity in an informal setting. The overriding goal of this type of session is participation and information exchange by the participants. Roundtable Discussions will run for 60 minutes.

Please click here to be reminded of the submission criteria.

Suggested structure for Roundtables and guidance for facilitators:

  1. Brief facilitator self-introduction and welcoming of the group.
  2. Explanation of facilitator’s role and process.
  3. General expectations/objectives of roundtable (including schedule, timing, and ground rules)
  4. Topic introduction (include the central question/issue; your findings or perspective; your conclusions based on these findings; implications for policy, practice, and research)
  5. Participant introduction and invitation of questions for discussion.
  6. Facilitate discussion based on participant questions
  7. Reach consensus and summarize roundtable objectives and ground rules.

The following suggestions are intended to help the facilitators achieve active engagement from roundtable participants:

  • Encourage participants to contribute responses to the questions posed.
  • Stay on point/issue/target with the group as much as possible.
  • Recognize your view is least important to the group (Avoid answering your own questions).
  • Stay active, attentive, standing, engaged.
  • Maintain a positive, supportive attitude to encourage a range of contributions/viewpoints.
  • React to participant comments with patience and non-evaluative demeanour.
  • Paraphrase back for clarification of participants’ comments as needed.
  • Demonstrate you know something (but not too much) about the area under discussion.
  • Recognize all who want to speak and allow for their contribution.
  • Maintain a posture of openness, interest, and interaction.
  • Thank people for their contributions to the discussion.
  • Move the discussion to the next point when interest wanes, overkill is evident, or to ensure all questions/topics are covered.
  • Do not allow any one participant to monopolize the roundtable.
  • Have a designated scribe and facilitator assistant available at the roundtable. The scribe should obtain feedback of member sentiment.

Practical information

  • Each Roundtable discussion room will have a projector, screen, laptop and speakers for your use.
  • Screen size is 16:9.
  • Please ensure you bring your presentation on a USB stick that is compatible for use on a PC laptop.
  • Alternatively, you can use your own laptop but it is important to check your laptop is compatible. The rooms have HDMI Cables. If you wish to use a MAC, you will need to bring an appropriate adapter.
  • All presenters are required to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the session to upload presentations.

Programmed networking sessions will be 60 minutes.

Programmed networking sessions are designed to bring together individuals with similar interests and needs for sharing ideas and/or resources or to initiate or continue collaborative work.  Networking sessions provide opportunities for open discussion and creativity in a more informal and less structured setting.

An EACH network can offer increased:

  • Expertise, support and creativity
  • Access to shared resources
  • Kudos and reputation
  • Productivity – achieve more than you could on alone
  • Influence and visibility to others

An EACH network can offer decreased:

  • Sense of isolation and working alone
  • ‘Reinventing the wheel’
  • Constraints of one single organisation
  • Burden of workload

Please click here for the key steps for building a network.

ONLINE Presenter Guidance

There will be 5 to 6 presentations in each session that have been grouped together based on a common theme. The total session will last 90 minutes, with some time for group discussion at the end. Presenters are required to be present on Zoom for the duration and arrive 15 minutes prior for a sound/ technical check.

There are selected Oral and WIP presentations will run as Hybrid sessions. There will be a zoom meeting set up which will be live streamed into our Hybrid Room at the conference in Zaragoza. These sessions will consist of in person and recorded online presentations with live Q&A. Questions can be submitted throughout the session via the written chat or asked verbally after raising your hand. Questions will be verbally answered by the presenters. There will be time for questions between each presentation.

Please refer to the in-person oral or WIP section for further advice and timings.

There will be two moderators in the room to introduce each presenter and ensure you keep to time, noting when there is 2 minutes remaining, 1 minute remaining and STOP. The moderator will be strict on time keeping, they will message these reminders in the chat.

You can view your current position and time slot on the programme, please note this is a live programme so it is likely to change.

Online presenters must upload their pre-recorded presentation by Thursday 15 August to this Dropbox (the folder should be labelled Online Oral Presentations).

  • Please upload two files with the same name: 1 x PDF file and1 x PNG file
  • All posters to be in portrait
  • Size – poster text must be clearly legible onscreen when converted to PDF/PNG
  • Once completed, please save your PDF andPNG files with the following file name: Poster ID Surname (Abstract ID) 

Online presenters must upload posters by Thursday 15 August to this Dropbox (the folder should be labelled Online Poster Presentations).

Please note, presentations will be checked for picture quality but we will not edit your submission.  If the quality does not meet our requirements, you may be asked to re-submit your poster.

Work in Progress ePosters should include the following:

  • Include a heading above the title that says “WORKS IN PROGRESS”
  • The questions/issues you want feedback on from the audience

Please click here to be reminded of the poster submission criteria.

Online poster pitch for all online poster presenters

All online poster presenters are invited to present their work during the online poster pitch session on Wednesday 7 September at 13.15-14.00 CEST. This will involve you presenting your poster in a 1-minute pitch alongside a few other presenters in a specific online session. These pitches will be live, so not pre-recorded. Delegates will listen to your pitches and are able to ask you questions. We ask that you are available for the full session.

If you would like to take part in this online poster pitch session, or you are unable to attend, please email by 31 July.


Creating a readable and inviting poster can be challenging. We recommend the following resources to help you in the creative process: