HVER ressource

Nedenfor er en liste over ressourcer, der er udviklet af og/eller i samarbejde med EACH. Denne liste vil løbende blive opdateret med nye ressourcer.

Kommunikationsevner for personale iført
Personligt beskyttelsestøj (PPE)

Den globale COVID 19-pandemi har påvirket, hvordan både patienter og klinikere oplever ansigt-til-ansigt konsultationer.

Dette giver vejledning om kommunikation med patienter, mens de bærer PPE.

Udviklet af:

Top tips til at levere kommunikation
færdighedsundervisning online

For at hjælpe i disse udfordrende tider har EACH sammensat en række praktiske vejledninger, der har til formål at hjælpe lærere i sundhedskommunikation, simulerede patienter og elever med at overveje udfordringerne og potentielle tilpasninger til undervisning i online kommunikationsfærdigheder:

Lærere | Studerende | Simulerede patienter | ALOBA Framework | Fuld guide

Udviklet af:

Sandra Winterburn, Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia & Marcy Rosenbaum University Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.

Vær venlig Klik her til videoklip med eksempler på online undervisning i kommunikationsfærdigheder.

Tips til at kommunikere med patienter via e-mailkonsultation

Covid-19-pandemien har gjort e-mailkonsultationer mere relevante. Dette ark skitserer tips og vigtige anbefalinger til brug af e-mailkonsultationer for sundhedspersonale.

Udviklet af:

Jane Ege Møller, Aarhus Universitet, Helen Atherton, Warwick Medical School & Matilde Nisbeth Brøgger, Aarhus Universitet.

E-læringskursus: Kommunikationsevner til telefonkonsultationer

E-læringskursus: Kommunikationsevner til videokonsultationer

Many healthcare staff are now carrying out consultations on the telephone and video.  This is often a type of consultation that staff have not encountered prior to COVID-19 and can be an area of anxiety.

Dette kursus demonstrerer, hvordan anvendelse af kernefærdighederne i Calgary-Cambridge Guide til telefon- og videokonsultationer giver en struktureret og patientcentreret tilgang. Vi håber, at du finder disse online læringspakker nyttige.

Disse blev udviklet af:

Telehealth tipark til telefon- og videokonsultationer

Dette tipark understreger både kommunikations- og arbejdsgange.

Udviklet af:
Kelly Skelly & Marcy Rosenbaum fra University Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.

Calgary-Cambridge guider om telefonkonsultationer og svære samtaler

Disse to dokumenter har til formål at støtte klinikere, der arbejder i den nuværende COVID-19-krise.

De er designet til at fungere godt på mobiler med en interaktiv indholdsside, så du kan genopfriske viden lige før en bestemt opgave.

Svære samtaler

Telefoniske konsultationer

Udviklet i samarbejde med Irish Health Service (HSE)

Kommunikationsundervisning under COVID-19

A bibliography from the Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) of distance and online learning resources for teaching communication with simulated patients.

Distance Learning and telehealth teaching resources

Sund simulering

University of Minnesota Webinar-optagelse: Zoom med SP'er i COVID-19-svar: Brug af Zoom til at træne standardiserede patienter (SP'er) og implementere formative Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE'er) med sundhedsvidenskabsstuderende.

Webinar, Virtual OSCE guides for students, SPs and monitors from Northwestern University Fineberg School of Medicine.


Association of American Medical Colleges resources on Clinical Teaching and Learning Experiences without Physical Patient Contact including teaching about Interpersonal and Communication Skills.[Link expired]

Troværdig informationsressource under covid-19

Det Frontiers Coronavirus Knowledge Hub provides an up to date source of trusted information and analysis on COVID-19 and coronaviruses, including the latest research articles, information and commentary. An artikel published in the New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst (NEJM Catalyst) – At the Epicentre of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Humanitarian Crisis in Italy: Changing Perspectives on Preparation and Mitigation, Nacoti et. al.

Kommunikerer med patienter og familier under COVID-19

Our sister organisation, Academy of Communication in Healthcare (ACH) has put together a selection of communication tools, member stories and support for well-being. [Link expired]

VitalTalk har lavet en spillebog med tips til, hvordan man på en bæredygtig måde kan kommunikere med ærlighed, empati og medfølelse.  Dette link giver dig mulighed for at se spillebogen på forskellige sprog.

WONCA har en række artikler, der er relevante for familielæger, samt links til Verdenssundhedsorganisationen og andre velrenommerede websteder, som indeholder værdifuld information for familielæger, der skal håndtere COVID-19-sager.

WEForum At henlede opmærksomheden på vanskeligheder med at kontrollere falske nyheder under en epidemi.

Hvordan man kommunikerer med familier, der lever i konkurrerende isolation. Papir fra Giulia Lamiani og kolleger og godkendt af de vigtigste italienske selskaber for intensiv, akutmedicin og palliativ pleje (SIAARTI, ANIARTI, SICP og SIMEU).engelsk italiensk

Formidling af Covid-19-problemer til mennesker med intellektuelle handicap og/eller autisme.

italiensk hollandsk tysk

A book with explanation of Covid19 for children. A nice way to explain it.

WHO Social media cards are meant for for healthworkers: for  sharing on their social media channels.

COVID-19 kommunikationsforskning

To help find publications about COVID-19 and communication between patients and healthcare professionals, including information for patients / public from healthcare professionals. Authors: Arwen H Pieterse (rEACH) and Jan Schoones (librarian Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands) ePubMed search strategy

Improving communication about COVID-19 and emerging infectious diseases Jacobsen KH and Vraga EK

EMisinformation of COVID-19 on the Internet: Infodemiology Study Cuan-Baltazar JY, Muñoz-Perez MJ, Robledo-Vega C, Pérez-Zepeda MF, Soto-Vega E
Coronavirus: the spread of misinformation Mian E and Khan S

COVID-19: Peer Support and Crisis Communication Strategies to Promote Institutional Resilience Wu AW, Connors C, Everly GS.

A Mobile Health Platform to Disseminate Validated Institutional Measurements During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Utilization-Focused Evaluation Study  Zamberg I, Manzano S, Posfay-Barbe K, Windisch O, Agoritsas T, Schiffer E.

Strategies for Disseminating and Implementing COVID-19 Public Health Prevention Practices in Rural Areas  Prusaczyk B.

Effective Risk Communication for Public Health Emergency: Reflection on the COVID-19 Outbreak in Wuhan, China  Zhan L, Li H, Chen K.

Limited early warnings and public attention to COVID-19 in China, January – February 2020: a longitudinal cohort of randomly sampled Weibo users  Zhu Y, Fu KW, Grépin KA, Liang H, Fung IC

Blocking information on COVID-19 can fuel the spread of misinformation Larson HJ

Evidence informing the UK’s COVID-19 public health response must be transparent Alwan NA et. al.

Applications of google search trends for risk communication in infectious disease management: A case study of COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan  Husnayain A, Fuad A, Su EC

COVID-19: Real-time dissemination of scientific information to fight a public health emergency of international concern Song P, Karako T

Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19  Calisher C et. al.

A paper about improving risk communication to family physicians  during public health crises

This is a database of worldwide funding opportunities for research and development that is compiled by Science|Business and is updated on a daily basis.


A viewpoint from Italy showing that in order to avoid collapse, healthcare systems need to have collaborative emergency networks, as simply increasing ICU capacity is not enough.
