Physician-patient communication patterns (PPCP)

Udviklere: J Shapiro, E Saltzer

Udgivelsesår: 1981

Dato for sidste revision: 21 oktober 2019

Indstilling, hvori værktøjet oprindeligt blev udviklet/valideret: Family medicine

Begrænsning til indstilling(er): Ikke specificeret

Målgruppe: Family doctors and their patients, including culturally similar and dissimilar dyads

Sprog): engelsk


Facilitativ kommunikation / stimulerende patientaktivering
Indsamling af information/lytning
Generel kommunikationsadfærd / Overordnet kommunikationsadfærd
Informationsgivning / informationsgivning / forklaring og planlægning
Patientperspektiv – overvejende, fremkaldende

Specifikke konstruktioner/adfærd:

1. Establishing rapport (initial physician demeanor, use of psychosocial questions)
2. Patient health belief system (assessment of the patient's health belief system, physician evaluation of the patient's health belief system, physician knowledge of culture-specific patient health beliefs)
3. Presentation of the therapeutic regimen (physician use of appropriate language, assessment of patient comprehension, attempt to incorporatemedical regimen into home treatment, exploration of impact of regimen on the patient's family, and sensitivity to patient's need for tangible treatment)
4. Patient feedback (providing the patient an opportunity to ask questions, asking the patient to repeat instructions, encouraging patient selfdisclosure, and asking about patient expectations for treatment)
Additional categories:
5. Quality of explanation of the therapeutic regimen
6. Sensitivity to patient modesty

Datatyper, der kræves for at bruge værktøjet: Lydoptagelser

Påtænkt anvendelse: Forskning

Reference(r) til udviklings-/valideringspapir(er):

Shapiro J, Saltzer E. Cross-cultural aspects of physician-patient communications patterns. Urban Health. 1981 Dec;10(10):10-15

Værktøj/manual tilgængelig: No.

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Adgang: Offentlig