Rochester Communication Rating Scale

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Tool focus: Assessment

Communication topics:
Empathy/relationship building
Gathering information/listening
Giving information/explanation & planning
Patient perspective

Type of tool: Assessment

Year of publication: 2004

Language: English

Purpose of tool:
Instrument to assess student-standardized patient interview from the patient perspective, using 19 items on a 6-point scale. Topics covered: Exploring patient problems and concerns, relationship building, gathering information, giving information, shared decision making

Brief description:

HPCCC Core curriculum objectives

A. Communication with patients:
Gathering information/listening, Patient perspective, Relationship building, Shared decision making

B. Intra- & interpersonal communication (professionalism & reflection):

C. Communication in healthcare teams (professional communication):

Access: Public

Your name and work address, and co-authors and addresses:Epstein RM; Dannefer EF; Nofziger AC; Hansen JT;Schultz SH; Jospe N; Connard LW; Meldrum SC; Henson LC