Combined practical and communication skills: Facilitator guide

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Tool focus: What to teach

Communication topics:
Giving information/explanation & planning

Type of tool: Facilitator guide, Other, PowerPoint

Language: English

Purpose of tool:
This session focuses on male catheterisation and surturing and utilises a learning device and a real patient who talks and moves and feels pain.

Brief description:
Facilitator pack guiding teaching session for combined practical and communication skills. This session uses a real life actors and plastic teaching aids to make the experience of catheterising a male patient and suturing a patient more realistic. Students are assessed on clinical and communication skills.

HPCCC Core curriculum objectives

A. Communication with patients:

B. Intra- & interpersonal communication (professionalism & reflection):

C. Communication in healthcare teams (professional communication):

Access: Public

Your name and work address, and co-authors and addresses:Mandy Williams, Cambridge
