International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Upload a rEACH resource


First and last name(s)

First and last name

Year the tool was published/validated

Please specify medical specialty, professional group, in/out-patient setting, and/or consultation types

Are there any restrictions to the setting(s) in which the tool can be applied (eg population, setting)? If so, please indicate which.

For which population(s) is the tool intended? Eg GPs, oncologists, outpatients, migrant patients, etc

Which types/dimensions of behaviours are coded with the tool?

Select any that apply

Please provide the citation to the relevant paper(s) describing the development or validation of the tool

If yes, please state where

Enter the full URL eg

If you wish, please provide a short description of the tool (maximum 200 words). Please consider including information about: - Requirements for use (e.g., is specific training needed) - Intended applications (e.g., research, education or both) - Tool nature (e.g., evaluative and/or descriptive) - Any additional information you believe is relevant to share

Please note:

A maximum of 5 files may be uploaded per tool. Each file must be no larger than 1MB. Zip files are not permitted.

The file name will appear on the download button, so please ensure the file name is short and meaningful.

File name:

File size:

File name:

File size:

File name:

File size:

File name:

File size:

File name:

File size:

Enter the reference title

Enter the full URL eg

Enter the reference title

Enter the full URL eg

Enter the reference title

Enter the full URL eg
