rEACH Resources
Tools database
Searchable inventory of observational coding instruments for research on communication in healthcare, to help researchers in selecting the optimal observational coding tool for their research.
The database includes: scope, setting, method, developers, developmental process and validation process of each tool. Freely available tools and manuals are directly downloadable.
SEARCH the database or UPLOAD a coding instrument to the database.
What sparks new overseas collaborations
Disseminating Research on Contextualizing Care Using Multi-Media and Business Strategies
It’s all about being curious and trying to understand
Think conceptually, apply contextually, act convincingly
Appreciating the role of relationships in research
Looking at healthcare communication through a linguist’s glasses: the view from the ‘other side
PEC pages, adverts and articles
PEC – How can ChatGPT be used to support healthcare communication research?
PEC – If I say…teach-back
PEC – Setting the agenda for health communication research: Topics and methodologies
PEC – Methods for analyzing actual communication: A shared decision making consultation under multiple methodological lenses
PEC – Language and cultural discordance between practitioners and refugees in mental healthcare consultations: Developing a promising European intervention to break down barriers
PEC – Studying clinical communication through multiple lenses: The underused potential of inter-disciplinary collaborations