pEACH Resources

pEACH Resources


Why policy is important and how to influence policy makers (31 October 2023)

Healthchat(ter) podcasts

HealthChat(ter) podcasts

HealthChat(ter) is a podcast series aimed at sharing ideas, experience, and evidence relating to communication in healthcare. We interview healthcare professionals, researchers, educators, and patients, about a range of topics all relating to a chosen theme. The podcast is an initiative of (the Policy and Practice subcommittee of) the International Association for Communication in Healthcare and is being led by Dr Sarah White from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, with support from students on work placement.

Evidence snapshots

pEACH has produced the following position papers on big issues in healthcare communication to serve as ready-to-use summaries.  We hope you find the below topics useful.  Please do get in touch if you have other topics you’d like us to consider adding.

Basic Principles of Communication Teaching
Essentials of Learner-Centred Teaching (LCT)
Healthcare Communication Across Language Barriers
Patient-Centred Communication
Shared Decision Making
Teaching Communication Skills to Undergraduate Medical Students
When developing Curricula for Communication Skills Education
Communication about Medical Errors
Health Behaviour Change
Assessment of Communication Skills
Communicating with Patients and Families about End of Life Care
Knowledge Translation
Intercultural Communication Skills in Healthcare
Basic Principles of Patient Engagement
Teaching Breaking Bad News to Undergraduate Medical Students
Communication and Cancer


Upscaling communication skills training – lessons learned from international initiatives

Critical observations on and suggested ways forward for healthcare communication during COVID-19: pEACH position paper

Fostering the creation of common ground between the academia and the profession: The ‘Position Papers Series’

