Developers: Carma Bylund and Greg Makoul

Year of publication: 2002

Date last updated: 12 May 2023

Setting in which the tool was originally developed/validated: Primary care

Restriction to setting(s): None

Target group: Clinician or other health care provider

Language(s): English

Specific constructs/behaviours:

Patient created empathic opportunities
Clinician responses to empathic opportunities

Tool topics:

Intended application: Education, Research

Reference(s) to development/validation paper(s):

Bylund CL, Makoul G. Empathic communication and gender in the physician-patient encounter. Patient Education and Counseling. 2002 Dec;48(3):207-16. PMID: 12477605
Bylund CL, Makoul G. Examining empathy in medical encounters: An observational study using the Empathic Communication Coding System. Health. 2005;18(2):123-40. PMID: 16083407.

Tool/manual available: Yes.

Tool description by the author:

Specific training is not needed. Developed for research. However, could be used also for educational assessments, particularly valid if the conceptual approach to empathic communication is taught.

Additional information on copyright or other matters: Please share any publications using this tool with Dr. Bylund via email.