Pairing Matches

Below is the list of all seniors registered for the programme and any junior paired with them (up to a maximum of three per senior).

Pairing - Junior

Basic Information

Name: Evelyn Ho
Title: Professor
Institution: University of San Francisco
Discipline: Communication studies
Years of experience: 20


Primary methodological research approach:
  • Minorities / disadvantaged population
  • Patient education
  • Patient–provider relationship
  • Complementary and integrative health
Focus of research in communication and healthcare:
  • Co-design
  • Microanalysis of face-to-face dialogue
  • Qualitative methods


Three keywords describing expertise and interest:
  1. integrative health equity
  2. Chinese Americans
Description of field of expertise, major interests, and consultation topics:

Research: qualitative research methods, patient education, community based participatory design, discourse analysis of naturally recorded interaction
Teaching: undergraduate health communication for university (not medical) undergraduates

Brief biography:

Evelyn Y. Ho is a professor of communication studies, Asian Pacific American studies, and critical diversity studies. Beginning with an understanding that communication is a cultural activity and that health care systems and beliefs are profoundly cultural, Professor Ho’s teaching and research focus broadly on the intersections of health, culture, and communication, with a specific focus on the use and cultural meanings of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in underserved communities. She has led and participated in grant-funded research projects examining Chinese American dietary practices, health beliefs, and communication preferences and patient education that integrates Chinese medicine and biomedicine. You can find that work at

Dr. Ho is co-editor of the Wiley International Encyclopedia of Health Communication and has previously chaired both the Health Communication Division and the Language and Social Interaction Division of the International Communication Association (ICA). She serves on the editorial boards of Health Communication, PEC Innovations, Journal of International & Intercultural Research, and the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.