Pairing Matches

Below is the list of all seniors registered for the programme and any junior paired with them (up to a maximum of three per senior).

Pairing - Junior

Basic Information

Name: Kenzie Cameron
Title: Professor of Medicine
Institution: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Discipline: Communication studies
Years of experience: 25


Primary methodological research approach:
  • Attitudes
  • Curriculum development
  • Health literacy
  • Minorities / disadvantaged population
  • Medical education
  • Message design
  • Patient education
  • Patient–provider relationship
Focus of research in communication and healthcare:
  • Implementation research
  • Mixed methods
  • Qualitative methods
  • RCT


Three keywords describing expertise and interest:
  1. mentoring, message design, health disparities
Description of field of expertise, major interests, and consultation topics:

I have a Masters and PhD in Communication (Michigan State University), where I focused my studies on social influence, health communication, and interpersonal communication. I have been on the faculty of the Division of General Internal Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Northwestern University since 2003. As part of my K award, I completed an MPH at Northwestern. I can discuss the role and my experience being a social science PhD working within the medical school, my experiences in finding mentors, being a mentor and mentoring in general, my experiences as a scholar seeking grant funding (grant writing) as well as a reviewer (having served a four-year term on the Community-Level Health Promotion Study Section). Furthermore, I am happy to discuss my experiences collaborating across the medical school in terms of how I have found collaborators (and they me), and what I have learned over the years working with multiple teams.

Brief biography: