Introduction to Calgary Cambridge Clinical Communication Skills


Gereedschapsfocus: Video

Communicatie onderwerpen:
Slecht nieuws brengen
Informatie verzamelen/luisteren
Informatie geven/uitleg & planning
Verbale en non-verbale communicatie

Type gereedschap: Video

Jaar van publicatie: 2020

Taal: Engels

Doel van het hulpmiddel:
To introduce the basic skills of communication described by the Calgary Cambridge framework

Korte beschrijving:
This is a video designed to introduce the learner to the main Calgary-Cambridge skills of communication.

HPCCC Kerncurriculumdoelstellingen

A. Communicatie met patiënten:
Breaking bad news, Different elements of a patient history, Empathy/relationship building, Gathering information, Gathering information/listening, Giving information, explanation & planning, Non verbal communication, Patient perspective, Relationship building, Structure, Synthesises information

Toegang: Openbaar

Uw naam en werkadres, en co-auteurs en adressen:This video on Calgary Cambridge skills is courtesy of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI). The video is part of an online course and collection of resources, Gateway to Communication, released by RCPI in October 2020 and funded by the national provider of health services in Ireland (HSE). Original video content adapted from the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) Guide to the Medical Interview. For access, please click on this link: