Internationale conferentie over communicatie in de gezondheidszorg (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Koppelprogramma – Seniorenlijst

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Naam senior: Julia Menichetti
Beschikbaarheid: 0/3
ICCH 2024 bijwonen: Persoonlijk

Koppelen - Junior

Titel: senior researcher
Instelling: Akershus University Hospital
Discipline: Psychologie
Jarenlange ervaring: 9



  • Patiëntgerichtheid


  • Microanalyse van face-to-face dialoog
  • Kwalitatieve methoden
  • Systematisch literatuuronderzoek
  • Video-analyse

Trefwoorden die expertise en interesse beschrijven:

  1. inductive methods
  2. medical information sharing

Expertisegebied, grote belangen en overlegonderwerpen:

I am trained as a qualitative researcher, and used a variety of qualitative methods from individual/group interviews to observations. In the last 6 years, I have been mostly worked inductively on videos of clinical interactions. I have also some experience in mixed methods. My topics of interests have been mostly focused on how clinicians share and tailor information with patients and involve them in their care. I have also a strong interest on physicians’ professional qualities that shape interactions with patients, like physicians’ curiosity.


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