Internationale conferentie over communicatie in de gezondheidszorg (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Behavior change technique delivery and receipt

Ontwikkelaars: Hoekstra, 2022

Jaar van publicatie: 2022

Date last updated: 7 juni 2024

Omgeving waarin de tool oorspronkelijk is ontwikkeld/gevalideerd: Physical activity behavioral support in spinal cord injuries

Beperking tot instelling(en): Adults with physical disability

Doelgroep: Counselors delivering physical activity behavior change counseling to people with physical disabilities

Taal(en): Engels


Specifieke constructies/gedragingen:

Behavior change technique delivery and receipt, specifically:
1. Goals and planning
2. Support strategies
3. Natural consequences
Comparison of behavior
5. Monitoring and feedback
6. Associations
7. Repetition and substitution
8. Comparison of outcomes
9. Regulation
10. Antecedents
12. Self-belief
13. General aspects of the communication and interaction


Beoogde toepassing: Onderzoek

Referentie(s) naar ontwikkelings-/validatiedocument(en):

Hoekstra, F., Collins, D., Dinwoodie, M., Ma, J. K., & Martin Ginis, K. A. (2022). Measuring behavior change technique delivery and receipt in physical activity behavioral interventions. Rehabilitation Psychology, 67(2), 128.

Reference links:

Gereedschap/handleiding beschikbaar: Ja. (Provided in supplementary file to the article)


Type of Application

