Udviklere: Glyn Elwyn, Maka Tsulukidze, Adrian Edwards, France Légaré, Robert Newcombe

Udgivelsesår: 2013

Dato for sidste revision: 21 oktober 2019

Indstilling, hvori værktøjet oprindeligt blev udviklet/valideret: Primary care

Begrænsning til indstilling(er): Ikke specificeret

Målgruppe: Family physicians and their patients

Sprog): engelsk

Oversættelse(r): Dutch, German


Informationsgivning / informationsgivning / forklaring og planlægning
Fælles beslutningstagning

Specifikke konstruktioner/adfærd:

Essential requirements of SDM when providers make an effort to involve patients in decisions; SDM is composed of justifying deliberative work, followed by the steps of describing options, information exchange, preference elicitation, and preference integration

Specific behaviors:
1. Justify the work of deliberation
2. Justify the work of deliberation as a team
3. inform, describe options, exchange views
4. Elicit preferences
5. Integrate preferences

Datatyper, der kræves for at bruge værktøjet: Videooptagelser, Lydoptagelser

Påtænkt anvendelse: Forskning

Reference(r) til udviklings-/valideringspapir(er):

Elwyn G, Tsulukidze M, Edwards A, Légaré F, Newcombe R. Using a 'talk' model of shared decision making to propose an observation-based measure: Observer OPTION 5 Item. Patient Educ Couns 2013;93(2):265-271

Barr PJ, O'Malley AJ, Tsulukidze M, Gionfriddo MR, Montori V, Elwyn G. The psychometric properties of Observer OPTION(5), an observer measure of shared decision making. Patient Educ Couns 2015;98(8):970-976

Koelker M, Topp J, Elwyn G, H_rter M, Scholl I. Psychometric properties of the German version of Observer OPTION(5). BMC Health Serv Res 2018;18(1):74 (German version)

Stubenrouch FE, Pieterse AH, Falkenberg R, Santema TK, Stiggelbout AM, van der Weijden T, Aarts JA, Ubbink DT. OPTION(5) versus OPTION(12) instruments to appreciate the extent to which healthcare providers involve patients in decision-making. Patient Educ Couns 2016;99(6):1062-1068 (Dutch version)

Værktøj/manual tilgængelig: Ja. (Barr et al (2015))

Adgang: Offentlig