tEACHers’ Lounge – Healthcare Professional-Patient relationship: the placebo effect of communication

The placebo (or nocebo) effect of communication within the health professional-patient relationship has been widely demonstrated by several studies.

This workshop aims to describe This workshop aims to describe factors and mechanisms of placebo effects and how they can be activated with communication.

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able about:

  •          how placebo effects work
  •          how to activate them with communication skills
  •          how to observe and measure placebo effects


Emanuela Mazza, MCC – Master Certified Coach, Communication Skills in Medicine Lecturer at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome. Co-creator, together with Robert Dilts, of SFM for Healthcare study about the success factors in the healthcare ecosystem. National Representative of EACH – International Association for Communication in Healthcare, ICF Assessor & Mentor Coach, Founder of Academia – Coaching Education, NLP Trainer.

Time shown is GMT, CET = 7-8pm

Date/Time 28 Nov 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Event Type