Nursing SIG webinar – Compassion or nuanced and delicate? Exploring problem-tellings in nurse-patient interaction using conversation analysis.


16 Nov 2023    
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Type

Speaker: Dr. Rachael Drewery

 Rachael is a nurse, health visitor and qualitative researcher, who specialises in conversation analysis. Her PhD thesis used conversation analysis to explore compassion in nurse-patient interaction. She presently works as a qualitative researcher in the Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford.

Title: Compassion or nuanced and delicate? Exploring problem-tellings in nurse-patient interaction using conversation analysis.

Using findings from a conversation analytic study exploring compassion in nurse-patient interaction, in this learning salon I will explore how advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) respond to the problem-tellings of older hospitalised patients. Using audio-visual data, I will show some of the communication practices, including delicacy, which ACPs use to respond in a contextually sensitive manner. I will also consider the relationship between these findings and contemporary conceptualisations of compassion in nursing. Finally, I will discuss how the findings may be used in communication skills training.

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