Shared decision making: teach (part 2)


20 May 2022    
9:00 am - 1:30 pm

Event Type

The objective of this part of the course is to facilitate communication teachers to appraise and apply techniques for teaching about SDM. The workshop is for participants who teach the skills of SDM to learners who are healthcare professionals or studying to become healthcare professionals.

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the breadth of definitions of SDM (part 1)
  • Become familiar with and reflect upon video analysis and role playing as techniques to teach SDM skills
  • Apply the techniques to one’s own communication teaching

The course is directed towards teachers with some background in teaching healthcare communication, and who have some prior knowledge on SDM but wish to explore ways to teach this topic experientially. Participation in SDM course part 1 is a prerequisite for this course.

Language: The course will be held in English and we will try to accommodate participants for whom English is not their first language.

As preparation for part 1 of the course, participants will be sent a synopsis of the theory and 2-3 papers on SDM. No additional preparation is required for the teaching workshop.


Annegrethe NielsenAnnegrethe Nielsen
University College Copenhagen, Denmark
Annegrethe Nielsen, Ph.D, is a senior lecturer at the nursing department at University College Copenhagen. She has been teaching communication skills to students and professionals of a variety of healthcare professions for more than 20 years and is a member of the teaching committee of EACH. She is especially interested in the skills of shared decision making and how to teach and implement the skills in professional practice.


Sarah ShepherdSarah Shepherd
Senior lecturer and lead for the clinical communication programme at Manchester Medical School, University of Manchester, UK. She has undertaken research in Shared Decision Making and doctor patient communication. Currently she trains educators and teaches communication skills in medical education.



Ana Carvajal de la Torre
Family Physician at Servicio Galego de Saude, Spain. She has been teaching communication skills to postgraduate students, residents, and other healthcare professionals for more than 20 years. Member of the teaching committee of EACH. Currently Ph.D. student on the topic of Shared Decision Making in which she is especially interested.


Full Course

The Shared decision making course is a two part course incorporating this course and the Shared decision making: teach course.  It is also possible to attend the Shared decision making: research coursePart 1 is a requisite for attending part 2.

Part 1 only: £90 member, £115 non member
Whole course: either 2 or 3 parts £120 member, £155 non member

Course Dates

Monday 16 May – SDM research & teach Part 1 (3.5 hours)
Friday 20 May – SDM teach Part 2 (4.5 hours)
Tuesday 24 May – SDM research Part 2 (4.5 hours)


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