International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Gateway to Communication


Tool focus: Virtual

Communication topics:
Breaking bad news
Cross-cultural communication
Dealing with strong emotions
Empathy/relationship building
Gathering information/listening
Giving information/explanation & planning
Interprofessional/team communication
Non-verbal communication
Verbal & non-verbal communication

Type of tool: Website

Year of publication: 2020

Language: English

Purpose of tool:
Understand the impact of poor communication in healthcare and describe different communication approaches and models in healthcare
Understand person-centred care communication approaches in the clinician and patient relationship, including communication during a clinical consultation
Reflect on diversity, and on how bias can impact how you communicate
Understand the impact of health literacy on how you communicate
Describe approaches to communicating effectively with colleagues and peers in a team environment, including clinical information sharing
Consider approaches to giving feedback, being assertive, and influencing and negotiating in your practice
Recognise the impact of active listening
Explain approaches to dignity and respect in the workplace, and managing conflict
Explain open disclosure and best practice

Brief description:
This is a website containing self-directed training in a multitude of topics relevant to the effective use of communication skills in healthcare. It was designed by educators at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland in collaboration with educators from many of other postgraduate training bodies including the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland and the Irish College of General Practitioners. The project was funded by the national health service , the Health Services Executive (HSE) and was launched in October 2020 by the Chief Clinical Officer from the HSE, Dr Colm Henry. It is principally designed with the medical profession in mind however it could be used by other disciplines. It takes between 8- 10 hours to complete depending on whether all the associated resources are read.

HPCCC Core curriculum objectives

A. Communication with patients:
Advantages, disadvantages & expected outcomes, Breaking bad news, Cross-cultural communication, Dealing with strong emotions, Different elements of a patient history, Empathy/relationship building, Gathering information, Gathering information/listening, Giving information, explanation & planning, How much involvement & responsibility the patient, Non verbal communication, Patient perspective, Professionalism, Relationship building, Structure, Synthesises information

B. Intra- & interpersonal communication (professionalism & reflection):
Professionalism, Recognises own emotions, Reflects on own attititude towards work, Self awareness, Stereotypes & social prejudices

C. Communication in healthcare teams (professional communication):
Constructive negotiation, Different points of view, Inter-professional/team communication, Principles of team dynamics, Positive working atmosphere, Professionalism, Respects individuality, Self awareness, Subjective perception

Access: Public

Your name and work address, and co-authors and addresses:Royal College of Physicians of Ireland and the Health Services Executive, Ireland.
