Teamwork and giving information: Facilitator guide


Tool focus: What to teach

Communication topics:
Empathy/relationship building
Gathering information/listening
Giving information/explanation & planning
Interprofessional/team communication
Shared decision making

Type of tool: Facilitator guide, PowerPoint, Simulated clinical encounter

Language: English

Purpose of tool:
Increase understanding of the role of different healthcare professionals in multiple settings

Brief description:
For students just attending clinical rotations and focuses on how and what differernt members of the healthcare team contribute in history taking and information giving in the context of discharge planning.

HPCCC Core curriculum objectives

A. Communication with patients:
Empathy/relationship building, Gathering information, Shared decision making

B. Intra- & interpersonal communication (professionalism & reflection):

C. Communication in healthcare teams (professional communication):
Inter-professional/team communication

Access: Public

Your name and work address, and co-authors and addresses:Tony Brenneman