Tool focus: What to teach
Communication topics:
Empathy/relationship building
Giving information/explanation & planning
Patient perspective
Shared decision making
Type of tool: Tutor & simulated patient
Language: English
Purpose of tool:
Develop understanding of Explanation and Planning within a consultation and be able to explain the relevant communication skills and then practice the skills and receive peer feedback.
Brief description:
Tutors guide for Consultation Methods in the Musculoskeletal System Block. Students will gain understanding of the skills of explanation and planning. In smaller groups, students will discuss and gather information of each category.
HPCCC Core curriculum objectives
A. Communication with patients:
Empathy/relationship building, Patient perspective, Shared decision making
B. Intra- & interpersonal communication (professionalism & reflection):
C. Communication in healthcare teams (professional communication):
Access: Public
Your name and work address, and co-authors and addresses:Rob Jarvis
Contact: Email