VR-CoDES Manuals – Report

VR-CoDES Manuals – Report

Below is the list of those EACH members who have downloaded one or more VR-CoDES manuals, as well as non members who have purchased the complete set of manuals.


Total records: 47

Name Name Institution Country Date
Sarah Peters United Kingdom 04-01-2023
Sarah Peters United Kingdom 02-07-2022
Thomas Hehlmann University of Bremen, Faculty of Human- and Healthscienses Germany 21-02-2022
Sasja Schepers Netherlands 13-01-2022
Rebecca Goulding The University of Manchester United Kingdom 27-12-2021
Calum McHale University of St Andrews United Kingdom 06-12-2021
Aisling Kerr RCSI Ireland 07-11-2021
Leonie Visser KI Sweden 04-11-2021
M H Netherlands 04-11-2021
Majanne Wolters Utrecht University Netherlands 20-07-2021

Non Members:

Total records: 128

Name Institution Country Date
Elizabeth Alpert Boston University United States 07-05-2024
Elizabeth Alpert Boston University United States 07-05-2024
EddieKak EddieKakSC Finland 03-05-2024
Sownhjv SownikzHK Finland 25-04-2024
Sowninf SownutxHK Finland 19-04-2024
Cristina Ganz University San Raffaele Italy 19-04-2024
Lavillknobe LavillknobeHE United States 12-03-2024
AaronChaib AaronChaibTV Syria 11-03-2024
Lavillknobe LavillknobeHE United States 05-03-2024
Lavillknobe LavillknobeHE United States 29-02-2024