Verona Coding Definitions of Emotional Sequences for client cues and concerns (VR-CoDES-CC)
Developers: Malou Vijfhuizen, Harold Bok, Susan M.Matthew, Lidia Del Piccolo, Michelle McArthur
Year of publication: 2017
Date last updated: 7 June 2024
Setting in which the tool was originally developed/validated: Veterinary care
Restriction to setting(s): Small Animal practices
Target group: Small Animal practices
Language(s): English
Specific constructs/behaviours:
Patient (here, animal owner) expression of negative emotion
Tool topics:
Intended application: Education, Research
Reference(s) to development/validation paper(s):
Del Piccolo, L., De Haes, H., Heaven, C., Jansen, J., Verheul, W., Bensing, J., Bergvik, S., Deveugele, M., Eide, H., Fletcher, I. and Goss, C., 20Development of the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences to code health providers’ responses (VR-CoDES-P) to patient cues and concerns. Patient education and counseling, 82(2), pp.149-155.
Reference links:Tool/manual available: Yes.
Contact: Malou Vijfhuizen