Video demonstrations of shared decision making


Gereedschapsfocus: Video

Communicatie onderwerpen:
Gedeelde besluitvorming

Type gereedschap: Video

Taal: Engels

Doel van het hulpmiddel:
Collection of videos demonstrating shared decision making

Korte beschrijving:
Collection of Videos produced by The Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA) group in the Northwest of England. These videos show both good and bad examples of shared decision making in practice and can be used to teach students the importance of patient partnership. Conditions in the videos include renal failure and decisions about dialysis, arthritis and decisions about knee replacement and maternal care.

HPCCC Kerncurriculumdoelstellingen

A. Communicatie met patiënten:
Health beliefs, Patient perspective

B. Intra- en interpersoonlijke communicatie (professionaliteit en reflectie):

C. Communicatie in zorgteams (professionele communicatie):

Toegang: Openbaar

Uw naam en werkadres, en co-auteurs en adressen:Sandra Winterbrand