Gereedschapsfocus: Wat te leren
Communicatie onderwerpen:
Slecht nieuws brengen
Informatie verzamelen/luisteren
Gedeelde besluitvorming
Type gereedschap: Facilitatorgids, gesimuleerde klinische ontmoeting
Taal: Engels
Doel van het hulpmiddel:
To learn communication skills withan emphasis on decision-making explanation and planning with patients and spouses with fertility difficulties and unexpected crises with pregnancies
Korte beschrijving:
This tool is used within the Reproduction block and focuses on giving information and creating management plans around serious and sensitive issues. Students will have to be clear about the purpose of the consultation with these patients and your plans of care. They will need to take an intimate sexual history and explore some of the ethical challenges around screening and obstetric care which by their very nature make communication challenging.
HPCCC Kerncurriculumdoelstellingen
A. Communicatie met patiënten:
Clinical reasoning, Empathy/relationship building, Shared decision making
B. Intra- en interpersoonlijke communicatie (professionaliteit en reflectie):
Professionaliteit, zelfbewustzijn
C. Communicatie in zorgteams (professionele communicatie):
Toegang: Openbaar
Uw naam en werkadres, en co-auteurs en adressen:
Contact: E-mail