

Koppelen - Junior

Basis informatie

Naam: Emily Glanton
Titel: Research Fellow
Instelling: University of Minnesota
Discipline: Geneesmiddel
Jarenlange ervaring: 7


Primaire methodologische onderzoeksaanpak:
  • Patiëntgerichtheid
  • Patiëntenvoorlichting
  • Patiënt-aanbieder relatie
Focus van onderzoek in communicatie en gezondheidszorg:
  • Gemengde methoden
  • Observatie studies
  • (Quasi-)ervaringsgerichte ontwerpen
  • Systematisch literatuuronderzoek


Drie trefwoorden die expertise en interesse beschrijven:
  1. genetics
  2. genetic counseling
Beschrijving vakgebied, grote belangen en gespreksonderwerpen:

Emily Glanton is a licensed and certified genetic counselor and is the associate director of the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN) Data Management Coordinating Center at Harvard Medical School. She is also a current fellow in the Genetic Counseling Fellowship in ReSearch Training (GC-FIRST) at the University of Minnesota, with research focusing on genetic counseling processes, health communication patient experiences, and outcomes. Emily received her master’s of science in genetic counseling from Boston University School of Medicine and her bachelor’s of arts in Spanish from UCLA.

Korte biografie:
