

Koppelen - Junior

Basis informatie

Naam: Marleah Dean
Titel: Collega Professor
Instelling: University of South Florida
Discipline: Communicatie studie
Jarenlange ervaring: 10


Primaire methodologische onderzoeksaanpak:
  • Gezondheidsgeletterdheid
  • Patiëntgerichtheid
  • Patiënt-aanbieder relatie
Focus van onderzoek in communicatie en gezondheidszorg:
  • Gemengde methoden
  • Kwalitatieve methoden


Drie trefwoorden die expertise en interesse beschrijven:
  1. health decision making
  2. genetic risk
Beschrijving vakgebied, grote belangen en gespreksonderwerpen:

health decision making; communication of genetic risk information; patient-clinician communication; cancer communication

Korte biografie:

Marleah Dean Kruzel is an Associate Professor at the University of South Florida and a Collaborator Member in the Health Outcomes & Behavior Program at the Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Dean Kruzel’s research interests are cancer communication and the communication of genetic risk information. She is an expert on the health experiences and decisions of previvors. Her research has been published in numerous journals such as Genetics in Medicine, Patient Education & Counseling, and Journal of Genetic Counseling. Dr. Dean Kruzel’s research is and has been funded by the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. A BRCA2-positive previvor herself, she is committed to patient engagement and translating research into practice.
