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Naam senior: Sara Wit
Beschikbaarheid: 0/3
ICCH 2024 bijwonen: Persoonlijk

Koppelen - Junior
Titel: Senior Lecturer
Instelling: University of New South Wales
Discipline: Sociolinguistics / Conversation analysis
Jarenlange ervaring: 18


Cursisten met wie ik werk:
  • Niet-gegradueerde
  • Postdoctoraal
  • Continue professionele ontwikkeling
  • Ervaringsgerichte lesmethoden (bijv. rollenspel)
  • Educatief onderzoek
  • Train de trainers (facultaire ontwikkeling)
Jaren heb ik gewerkt aan het leren van communicatieve vaardigheden: 12


  • Patiënt-aanbieder relatie
  • Microanalyse van face-to-face dialoog
  • Gemengde methoden
  • Observatie studies


Type instelling waarin ik werk:
  • Academische instelling
  • Private business
  • Kennis vertaling
  • Gezondheidsbeleid
  • Onderzoek naar gezondheidszorg

Trefwoorden die expertise en interesse beschrijven:
  1. conversation analysis
Expertisegebied, grote belangen en overlegonderwerpen:

I have experience in (and am happy to talk about):
– conversation analysis and other observational research methods
– integrating research findings into teaching approaches
– working to influence policy


My goal is to support people to improve how they provide and access healthcare, developing and utilising evidence from research on actual practice. I achieve this through using experiential teaching methods, researching conversation, and communicating more broadly about the science of conversation, particularly as it relates to healthcare. This includes research on surgeon-patient consultations, telehealth, and pain talk. Findings from this and other research, as well as editorial and opinion articles, have been published and presented to a range of communication, clinical, and policy audiences.