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Naam senior: Christoph Becker
Beschikbaarheid: 2/3
ICCH 2024 bijwonen: Persoonlijk

Koppelen - Junior
Titel: MD
Instelling: University Hospital Basel
Discipline: Geneesmiddel
Jarenlange ervaring: 7


  • Levenseinde/palliatieve zorg
  • Oncologie
  • Observatie studies
  • RCT

Trefwoorden die expertise en interesse beschrijven:
  1. EOL Medicine
  2. Quantitative Research
Expertisegebied, grote belangen en overlegonderwerpen:

Trained as a physician specialising in General Internal Medicine in Switzerland, I currently work part-time as an attending physician in the Medical Polyclinic of the University Hospital in Basel. Additionally, I work part-time in the Department of Medical Communication, where we focus on undergraduate and postgraduate teaching as well as research. My research centres on communication and decision-making in hospital care, with a particular emphasis on critical care, emergency medicine, and end-of-life care. Through my work, I aim to enhance physician-patient communication by gathering evidence-based insights. I believe this research can bridge the gap between theory and practice, leading to improved patient experiences and better-informed medical decisions.

Biografie/CV: CV lezen