Power, Policy & Politics in Healthcare: How to influence Power Brokers and Policy Makers to implement strategies to enhance communication in healthcare.


15 apr 2025    
14.00 - 17.30 uur

Evenement type

Research shows that most patients around the world do not get humanistic, patient-centric, and empathic care which results in poor care with high disease burden despite the availability of very effective therapies. Members of EACH have contributed heavily to the literature that demonstrates how an absence of effective communication has contributed to this deficit. pEACH (Policy & Practice Committee of EACH) is committed to supporting the implementation of research findings into effective, evidence-based practice, as well as influencing policymakers to develop humanistic medical practice policies.

This 3.5 hour highly interactive session provides evidence/data-based tools/interventions for identifying individual communication preferences/delivery methods/conflict resolution styles, allowing participants to discover, learn and practice the negotiation skills/tools. We will also be including case-studies, data from the literature review, needs assessment, conflict management tools that are useful in negotiation. Evidence-based interventions and tools will be discussed & practiced.

The course  focuses on communication with policymakers and managers at government and level organisation levels, aiming to influence policy which promotes patient safety, quality, and satisfaction.

This course is directed towards educators, researchers, practicing practioners/health care providers,  & health professional learners at any level (students/postgraduate learners)  who wish to develop skills to achieve desired outcomes while enhancing relationships with policy makers/power brokers to influence policies/pracices focused on clinical communication skills. The course combines large group interactive sessions presenting evidence and concrete steps in developing specific strategy with small group sessions where participants work on their individual issues and develop plans of action.

The course will be held in English and as much as possible will accommodate participants for whom English is not their first language. We are aware that institutions in different countries will have varying resources, power structures as well as policy differences and take this into account in helping you devise strategies for your unique situaiton. The course will be highly interactive and participant centered and will enable individual participants to formulate concrete plans for the future to help them achive success and enhance satisfaction & hapiness.

De sessie zal een dynamische discussie en rollenspel zijn in kleine groepen, waarbij de deelnemers worden uitgedaagd voor 'probleemoplossende' groepsactiviteiten, om ervoor te zorgen dat de deelnemers voldoen aan de behoeften van onze beleidsmakers en patiënten.

Doelstellingen van de cursus: Als resultaat van deze cursus zullen de deelnemers dit kunnen

  • Evalueer en oefen met het ontwikkelen van effectieve communicatie- en onderhandelingstechnieken, vaardigheden en strategie, terwijl u de relatie met beleidsmakers en machtsmakelaar behoudt en verbetert.
  • Inzicht krijgen in de manier waarop iemand met conflicten omgaat, kan van invloed zijn op de onderhandelingen.
  • Leg uit hoe persoonlijke belangen en posities de onderhandelingen beïnvloeden.
  • Identificeer persoonlijke sterke punten en mogelijkheden voor het verbeteren van communicatie- en onderhandelingsvaardigheden.
  • Erken de waarde van het begrijpen van uw beste alternatief voor een onderhandelde overeenkomst (BATNA).

Course facilitators have extensive experience in teaching effective negotiation and communication skills, facilitating Train the Trainers Courses for health professions educators, teaching health professional learners at all levels as well as negotiating at many levels in real life.


Shakaib (Shak) Rehman, MD, MACP, FEACH, CSH, FAMIA, FACH, is Chair & Professor of Biomedical Informatics at the University of University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenixn i the US.  He is currently the Treasurer of EACH and the former Chair of pEACH, the policy, practice and public relations committee of EACH.  He has conducted research on and taught about clinical communication and medical education for over 33 years and oversees communication skills curriculum for students, residents and practicing clinicians. He has provided faculty development related to communication skills teaching and curriculum all over the world



Calum Mackichan, PhD, BSc

Standing Committee of European Doctors, Belgium




Member price £130

Non member price £185


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