Analysis System for Self-Efficacy Training (ASSET)

Ontwikkelaars: Zinken, 2008

Jaar van publicatie: 2008

Date last updated: 7 juni 2024

Omgeving waarin de tool oorspronkelijk is ontwikkeld/gevalideerd: Diabetes care

Beperking tot instelling(en): Diabetes care

Doelgroep: Health professionals applying techniques of self-management interventions in diabetes care

Taal(en): Engels

Specifieke constructies/gedragingen:

Self-efficacy driven verbal techniques
1. Mastery experience: Self-reflection, Facilitating pro-active self
2. Role modelling: Competent other, Group solving, Sharing obstacles
3. Verbal persuasion: Elicitation of knowledge, Positive feedback, Planning for obstacles
Physiological and affective states: Exploration of affective state, Exploration of physiological state, Outcome expectancies, Non-self-efficacy techniques
and patient's response to those techniques


Beoogde toepassing: Onderwijs, onderzoek

Referentie(s) naar ontwikkelings-/validatiedocument(en):

Zinken, K. M., Cradock, S., & Skinner, T. C. (2008). Analysis system for self-efficacy training (ASSET): assessing treatment fidelity of self-management interventions. Patient Education and Counseling, 72(2), 186-193.

Reference links:

Gereedschap/handleiding beschikbaar: Ja. (Through a link in the paper)
