rEACH connectivity webinar – Communication and Connectivity in Healthcare: the Narrative Medicine Approach


01 Jul 2022    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Event Type

Communication and Connectivity in Healthcare: the Narrative Medicine Approach

Abstract: According to Brian Hurwitz (2011), Narrative Medicine (NM) is not new in its enhancement of narrative in clinical practice. What is new is its multi- and interdisciplinary approach that privileges the sharing of narratives and knowledge across disciplinary boundaries as a means to optimise clinical practice. In this workshop I will briefly state the premises of NM, give examples of infield work with interdisciplinary research teams and propose a practical exercise in NM.

FaciIitator – Isabel Fernandes is Emeritus Professor of English at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, Scientific Coordinator of the interdisciplinary and international project in Medical Humanities, and PI of FCT funded project SHARE – Health and Humanities Acting Together. She has published extensively on several British writers and has authored and edited: Critical Dialogues: Slow Readings of English Literary Texts (2011), Literatura: a (in)disciplina na intersecção dos saberes e das artes (Literature: The (In)discipline at the intersection of knowledge and the arts) (2011), Contar (com) a Medicina (Counting on Medicine) (2015, 2016 e 2018), Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine (2015) and Entrecruzares Bioéticos (Bioethical Interfaces) (2020).

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