Assessing range of health problems and issues in GP consultations
Developers: Procter, 2014
Year of publication: 2014
Date last updated: 7 June 2024
Setting in which the tool was originally developed/validated: Primary care
Restriction to setting(s): Not specified
Target group: Patients visiting GPs & GPs
Language(s): English
Specific constructs/behaviours:
10 issues; 1. physical; 2. emotional/psychological; 3. Social; Administrative; 5. Medication related; 6. Order/refer to tests; 7. Dicuss test results/treatment; 8. Behavioural health prevention/maintenance; 9. Medicalized health prevention/maintenance; 10. third party issues. In addition, 17 problems/diseases are coded.
Tool topics:
Intended application: Education, Research
Reference(s) to development/validation paper(s):
Procter, S., Stewart, K., Reeves, D., Bowen, L., Purdy, S., Ridd, M., & Salisbury, C. (2014). Complex consultations in primary care: a tool for assessing the range of health problems and issues addressed in general practice consultations. BMC family practice, 15(1), 1-8.
Tool/manual available: Yes. (Included in the paper)
Contact: Sunita Procter