rEACH Summer School 2021


15 Sep 2021 - 17 Sep 2021    
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Event Type


The rEACH Summer School provides a unique opportunity for twelve early-career researchers in the field of healthcare communication to develop their research skills, projects and ideas. It enables less experienced researchers to spend three days, in a friendly atmosphere, to progress their research development through interactive discussions with each other and expert academics.

The Summer School aims to prepare future leaders in healthcare communication research by facilitating the interaction between early-career and senior researchers and by helping to create an ongoing and supportive peer-to-peer network. The Summer School has been run successfully by rEACH for over 10 years.

Setting and format

The next rEACH Summer School will take place from 15, 16, 17 September 2021, with a new online format.

Selected participants will have the opportunity to present their research projects and ideas and gain detailed personalised feedback from experts in the field of healthcare communication. Two senior facilitators (Prof. Ellen Smets and Associate Prof. Hanne Lie) and two early-career facilitators (Dr. Julia Amann and Dr. Leonie Visser) will be present throughout the Summer School to ensure quality mentoring as well as a connection with the early-career network of EACH, yEACH.

The 3-day structure of the summer school aims to help participants to meaningfully progress and develop their research in a highly supportive and reciprocal environment. The diverse and interactive summer school agenda includes large group discussions and small group working, as well as time for individual working and personal reflection. Social activities also form an important part of the summer school and aim to facilitate connection and networking between participants and facilitators.

The activities will take place approximately from 10:00 to 16:00 CEST.

Call for applications

We welcome applications from early-career investigators who are active in the field of healthcare communication research. We especially invite students planning to pursue a PhD, PhD students or those who have finished their PhD in the past two years. Previous applicants who were not selected may re-apply. EACH membership is required for Summer School acceptance and participation but is not required to submit an application.

Applications should include the following:

  • A short letter (about one page) with:
  • a brief synopsis of the applicant’s current research topic in healthcare communication;
  • a statement about why the applicant wishes to be part of the Summer School and

what the applicant wishes to get out of the Summer School and what they want to improve.

  • CV (maximum of two A4 pages);
  • Letter of support from supervisor, including confirmation that the applicant is proficient in English.

Applications should be sent to Silvia Poli, at:  Extended deadline for application until Friday 30th July 2021.

Selection process

General eligibility requirements include that the applicant:

  • is a junior researcher in the field of healthcare communication;
  • is currently researching a relevant issue in healthcare communication;
  • has not participated in a previous rEACH Summer School.

Participant selection will be based on the following:

  • the applicant’s motivation of how they wish to use the Summer School to enhance their research work;
  • the supervisor’s letter of support;
  • the applicant’s career stage – priority is given to those who are currently undertaking their PhD and those who completed doctoral studies in the last two years;
  • the faculty will aim to find a balanced mix of professional background, country/institute, topics, and stage of research career in the selection of Summer School participants.

Once offered a place at the Summer School, selected participants will be asked to send a 1-2 minute video of themselves summarising their research (i.e. elevator pitch). These will be shared with all other successful applications prior to the start of the Summer School.

Upon successful application, the registration fee for the Summer School is £250. Please notice that the fee does not include the cost of becoming an EACH member.


June 2021: call for applications opens.
July 30 2021: call for application closes.
July 31 2021: confirmation of places for selected participants

If you wish to know more about the Summer School, we recommend reading the PEC article: “Express rather than impress: Benefits of the rEACH summer school for early-career researchers in the field of health communication” by Amann et al., 2018.