Nursing SIG webinar – Communicating with emotional competence, using the iCARE-Haaland model.  


16 Dez. 2021    
12:00 - 13:00 Uhr


Ane Haaland has volunteered to present some of her work for us. Thus we invite you to a presentation and discussion on communicating with emotional competence, using the iCARE-Haaland model. 

Ane Haaland is inviting you to build up your own experiences with using the methods which she will introduce and discuss with you, before the session.

She is asking you to observe (“In Action”) how you communicate and how emotions influence how you communicate, and to reflect (“On Action”) about what you discover – in a systematic and guided way. This you will do by carrying out weekly tasks where you are observing a small part of your communication every week, to discover your own patterns. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes every day.

The first task is attached (“How do you listen?”), and at the end of this is an overview of the tasks available for this model. Also attached is an introduction to how to carry out this special form of observation – to observe “In Action” – which most people are not familiar with. (In education context, observation “On Action” is the common method used.) The best way to learn is to write down a couple of examples (every week, when you have the time) from situations where you get those precious “AhAAAA!” moments – insights where you discover how your own communication affects others.

The focus in Ane’s presentation will be on the skills used to practice emotional competence, and how to best learn these. (Doing the tasks beforehand will give you a much deeper understanding of the methods, and are essential if you e.g. want to use these in your own teaching.)  She will give information about the iCARE-Haaland model (see attched document with links), and discuss with you experiences you have had during this period. We are going to work on the learning tools to enable you to continue to learn on your own – as it takes time end effort to learn these methods well.

Why should you choose to invest time in doing this? Research clearly shows that health personnel has a much higher risk of experiencing burnout (50-80%), than the rest of the population. It also shows that health personnel with emotional competence is in less danger of burning out, according to a systematic review (which we will discuss). There are several other good reasons – please see the introductory chapters in the iCARE-Haaland model, which can be found on the website.

The meeting will be held on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 518 724 7328

Code: 381065