
International Association for Communication in Healthcare

En global organisation dedikeret til at udforske og forbedre den måde, hvorpå sundhedspersonale, patienter og pårørende kommunikerer med hinanden

Vi opfordrer dig til at tilslutte dig EACH for at hjælpe med at fremme effektiv sundhedskommunikation i hele verden.

HVER medlemmer bidrager væsentligt til mængden af beviser og bedste praksis inden for forskning, uddannelse og implementering af effektiv kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet for elever, klinikere og sundhedssystemet.

Gennem EACH kan du lære af og bidrage til at forbedre kommunikationen i dit eget arbejdspladsland eller indflydelsessfære såvel som i hele verden.

Seneste nyt

  • Get Ready for rEACH Summer School 2025!
    Enhance your research skills. Expand your network. Advance your career. Are you an early-career researcher in healthcare communication looking to refine your research project and connect with like-minded peers and leading experts? The rEACH Summer School…
  • EACH membership logos
    Please use the 2025 logos on your email sign off if required
  • Systematic Coding of Observed human Behavior (SCOBe).
    💥 How actively do patients and their companions communicate with their healthcare providers during medical consultations? Are health care providers responsive to their patients and companions concerns? How does non-verbal communication evolve throughout a healthcare interaction?…
