Værktøjsfokus: Hvad skal man lære
Tværkulturel kommunikation
Indsamling af information/lytning
Type værktøj: Facilitatorguide, Simuleret klinisk møde
Sprog: engelsk
Formål med værktøj:
Learning to take a detailed history about intimate gynaecological complications from women of different cultural backgrounds
Kort beskrivelse:
This session is the second of a series of three workshops dealing with diversity in the Clinical Communication Skills Theme. The focus is on a skills approach: students work with simulated patients from culturally diverse backgrounds to enable them to develop practical skills in communicating across cultural boundaries.
A. Kommunikation med patienter:
Cross-cultural communication, Gathering information, Patient perspective, Relationship building
B. Intra- og interpersonel kommunikation (professionalitet & refleksion):
C. Kommunikation i sundhedsteams (professionel kommunikation):
Adgang: Offentlig
Dit navn og arbejdsadresse samt medforfattere og adresser:Mandy Williams, Cambridge
Kontakt: E-mail