Giving information: reproduction: Student handbook

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Værktøjsfokus: Hvad skal man lære

Indsamling af information/lytning
Give information/forklaring & planlægning
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Type værktøj: Student guide

Sprog: engelsk

Formål med værktøj:
Students will be able to develop skills in taking an intimate sexual history, exploring some of the ethical challenges around screening and obstetric care which by their very nature make communication challenging.

Kort beskrivelse:
Student course book for the reproductive block of the consultation and communciation skills course. Contains an introduction to this section of the course, information on learning objectives, simulated patient cases and role play outlines.


A. Kommunikation med patienter:
Gathering information/listening, Shared decision making

B. Intra- og interpersonel kommunikation (professionalitet & refleksion):

C. Kommunikation i sundhedsteams (professionel kommunikation):

Adgang: Offentlig

Dit navn og arbejdsadresse samt medforfattere og adresser:Rob Jarvis