Gathering information: neurology/psychiatry: Facilitator guide

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Give information/forklaring & planlægning
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Type værktøj: Tutor & simulated patient

Sprog: engelsk

Formål med værktøj:
Students will develop their skills in psychiatric history taking and communicating with people who have mental health problems that may, by their very nature, make communication challenging.

Kort beskrivelse:
The guide contains instructions and resources for tutoring CCS skills in the nervous system block and psychiatry system block including scenarios and scripts for simulated patients.


A. Kommunikation med patienter:
Breaking bad news, Empathy/relationship building, Gathering information/listening, Patient perspective, Shared decision making

B. Intra- og interpersonel kommunikation (professionalitet & refleksion):
Professionalisme, selvbevidsthed

C. Kommunikation i sundhedsteams (professionel kommunikation):

Adgang: Offentlig

Dit navn og arbejdsadresse samt medforfattere og adresser:Rob Jarvis