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Seniors navn: Betül Cokluk
Tilgængelighed: 2/3
Deltager i ICCH 2024: Personligt

Parring - Junior
Titel: PhD candidate
Institution: Oslo Metropolitan University
Disciplin: Folkesundhed
Års erfaring: 7


  • Sundhedsfærdigheder
  • Quantitative methods, cross-sectional studies

Nøgleord, der beskriver ekspertise og interesse:
  1. Sundhedsfærdigheder
  2. health communication
Ekspertområde, store interesser og høringsemner:

Sure, here is the translation:

I have seven years of work experience in public health, including one year as a PhD candidate and five years at one of Norway’s largest health organizations (the Norwegian Diabetes Association). At the Norwegian Diabetes Association, I was responsible for information and all work related to migration health. I work with health communication and ensuring that patients receive the information they are entitled to in the best possible way. My first article in the PhD project will emphasis mapping the quality of health information that addresses relevant topics for users of the healthcare services, especially the public health nurses. In addition, studying health literacy in the PHN user groups and associations with competences in information appraisal. The study is using full surveys of web-based information on multiple health topics.


My CV is in Norwegian, unfortunately, but you can also take a look at my LinkedIn profile:

Læs CV