rEACH the research committee
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tEACH the teaching committee
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pEACH the policy/practice committee
More InfoLøber sammen med kerneudvalgene, Særlige interessegrupper (SIG'er) allow members with similar interests in a specific subject area to meet and collaborate.
Ud over, Early Careers EACH tilbyder en netværks- og støttegruppe for EACH-medlemmer i den tidlige karriere.
EACH: International Association for Communication in Healthcare was established in 2001 and has achieved charitable status. The charity’s purpose is “the relief of sickness and the preservation of health of patients by the promotion of effective evidence-based patient-centred healthcare communication between patients, relatives and healthcare practitioners throughout the world”.
Nationale repræsentanter fra lande med mere end 5 medlemmer er berettiget til at være repræsentanter for velgørenheden og sidder også i den rådgivende komité.
I alle sine aktiviteter inden for sit velgørende specialiserede netværk respekterer og fremmer EACH den grundlæggende værdi af gennemsigtighed. Vær venlig Klik her for detaljer vedrørende vores holdningserklæring om gennemsigtighed.
Registreret velgørenhedsnummer 1159050. Klik her for at se detaljer hos UK Charity Commission og her to read our constitution. Click here to view EACH’s charity registration certificate.
Funding for the charity’s core activities and projects come from charitable and voluntary donations, membership fees, conferences and courses. Many of EACH’s activities are also supported by contributions in kind.