International konference om kommunikation i sundhedsvæsenet (ICCH 2024) chevron_right

Parringsprogram – Seniorliste

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Seniors navn: Lidia Del Piccolo
Tilgængelighed: 0/3
Deltager i ICCH 2024: Personligt

Parring - Junior

Titel: Professor
Institution: University of Verona
Disciplin: Psykologi
Års erfaring: 30



  • Emotion


  • Sequence analysis

Nøgleord, der beskriver ekspertise og interesse:

  1. helth provider-patient communication

Ekspertområde, store interesser og høringsemner:

Lidia contributed to the creation and standardization of different measures that evaluate emotional expression and doctor-patient communication during medical consultations (the Verona Medical Interview Classification System, VR-MICS; the Verona patient-centered Communication Evaluation Scale, VR-COPE; the Verona Coding for Emotional Sequences, VR-CODES), which she also applied in research. She also published numerous papers in applied clinical psychology and psychotherapy.

