Hvad skal man undervise i kommunikationsfærdighedsundervisning: Færdigheder og struktur


03 feb 2025    
15:00 - 18:30


We are delighted to announce a two-module online course over 2 separate days focusing on “What to teach” in communication skills teaching.  The course is directed towards teachers of health professionals (for example teachers of students and clinicians in medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, etc.)  who wish to explore de grundlæggende færdigheder og strukturen i sundhedsvæsenets interaktioner.

Dette er en kortere onlineversion af vores to-dages årlige 'What to teach'-kursus, der vil fokusere på de grundlæggende kerne kliniske kommunikationsfærdigheder snarere end specifikke kommunikationsudfordringer. Det primære fokus på dette kursus vil være på strukturen og færdighederne i sundhedskommunikation. Kurset vil se på de forskellige modeller, der anvendes til at konceptualisere sundhedsvæsenets kommunikation og analysere kommunikationsevner i observerede møder med patienter. Dette vil hjælpe deltagerne:

  • afklare, hvad de forsøger at lære
  • definere de individuelle specifikke færdigheder i effektiv klinisk kommunikation
  • nedbryde interviewets komplekse opgave i dets individuelle komponenter

Vi vil udforske kommunikationsevner ved at observere forberedte videoer og arbejde i små grupper/opholdsrum.

Onlinekurset vil blive faciliteret af erfarne lærere fra tEACH, undervisningsudvalget for EACH: International Association of Communication in Healthcare. Forhandlingerne vil foregå på engelsk, og så meget som muligt vil rumme deltagere, for hvem engelsk ikke er deres modersmål.

Bemærk venligst, at dette kursus er ikke about online facilitation skills but rather the content of what should be included in any communication teaching sessions

Workshop 1 – 3rd February 2025, 3pm – 6.30pm GMT

Workshop 2 – 17th  February 2025, 3pm – 6.30pm GMT


Jane Ege Møller.
Aarhus University, Denmark

Jane is Associate Professor at Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University in Denmark and the Academic Lead of the clinical communication skills courses for residents in Central Denmark Region. She is currently the co-chair of tEACH, the teaching committee of EACH. She has more than 15 years of experience as a researcher and teacher in the field of clinical communication and medical education.


Anna Sonkin
Skole for Medicinsk Kommunikation

Anna is a paediatrician, palliative care physician, and medical educator currently based in USA. Before 2022, she had been practicing and teaching in Moscow, Russia, where she established a private company for teaching communication skills to healthcare professionals. She is now based in New York City and continues to teach and supervise online while working in Global Health to advance childhood cancer care. A member of the Teaching Committee of EACH, she is particularly interested in communication structure and experiential teaching.


Member price £250

Non member price £285

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